I am simulating a screen reader for my web page. What I do is that I add all the elements of the DOM inside an array and then when the user presses some combination of keys in the array and using the speechSynthesis API of html5 I generate the audio according to the text that has that element.
The problem is that I want to make focus
in the element that I am "reproducing".
The code with which I generate the array of elements:
function walkDOM(main) {
var arr = [];
var loop = function(main) {
do {
else if(main.nodeName === "IFRAME"){
var documentIframe = main.contentWindow.document;
else if(main.nodeName !== "#comment") {
while (main = main.nextSibling);
return arr;
And with this I am in charge of iterating in the arrangement that I get when the user presses ctrl
+ space
function PulsarTecla(e) {
var e = e || event;
if(e.ctrlKey && e.keyCode == 32){
allElements = walkDOM(document.body);
for(var i = 0; i < allElements.length; i++){
allElements[i].parentNode.focus(); // hago focus en el padre del texto sin embargo no aparece nada en pantalla
The function that is responsible for "talking"
function habla(palabra) {
speech = window.speechSynthesis;
voz = speechSynthesis.getVoices()[3];
utterThis = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance(palabra, voz, 1, 1);