delayed query in a phpmyadmin condition


I'm doing two types of consultations. When I reference a field, the query is done in 4 seconds but when I do not place reference it tends to take 30 seconds.

This is the one that takes 30 seconds:

if(cliente == "" && termPago=="0" && moneda=="0" && estado=="0")
 { query = "SELECT f.idFactura, e.nombreEmpleado, f.fecha,
c.nombreCliente, c.nomenclaturaCliente, t.nombreTipo AS 'estado',
 t1.nombreTipo AS 'terminoPago', t2.nombreTipo AS 'tipoFactura',
 f.comentario,, t3.nombreTipo AS 'moneda' FROM
 encabezadofactura f INNER JOIN cliente c ON f.clienteID = c.idCliente
 INNER JOIN tipos t on f.estadoFactura = t.idTipos INNER JOIN tipos t1 
 on f.terminosPago = t1.idTipos INNER JOIN tipos t2 on f.tipoFactura =
 t2.idTipos INNER JOIN tipos t3 on f.moneda = t3.idTipos INNER JOIN
 empleado e ON  f.empleadoID = e.idEmpleado WHERE f.fecha BETWEEN
 '"+desde+"' AND '"+hasta+"'  ORDER BY f.idFactura ASC";     }

This is done in 3 seconds:

>      else if(estado != "0" && termPago == "0" && moneda == "0" && client == "") 
>     {  query = "SELECT f.idFactura, e.nombreEmpleado, f.fecha, 
>     c.nombreCliente, c.nomenclaturaCliente, t.nombreTipo AS 'estado',
>      t1.nombreTipo AS 'terminoPago', t2.nombreTipo AS 'tipoFactura', f.comentario,, t3.nombreTipo AS 'moneda' FROM
> encabezadofactura f INNER JOIN cliente c ON f.clienteID = c.idCliente
> INNER JOIN tipos t on f.estadoFactura = t.idTipos INNER JOIN tipos t1
> on f.terminosPago = t1.idTipos INNER JOIN tipos t2 on f.tipoFactura =
> t2.idTipos INNER JOIN tipos t3 on f.moneda = t3.idTipos INNER JOIN
> empleado e ON f.empleadoID = e.idEmpleado WHERE f.fecha BETWEEN
> '"+desde+"' AND '"+hasta+"' AND f.estadoFactura="+estado+" ORDER BY
> f.idFactura ASC";
>      }

I have the correct relationships, the problem is generated when I do not place a reference or when I only put the client's name.

asked by Ronald López 30.05.2018 в 22:33

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