Who can help me build this table in html?


I want to show a table in html of a query of the database of three tables that are related, the tables are structured as follows:

Restaurant | Platos      | Precios
id         | id          | id
nombre     | nombre      | restaurant_id
           | descripcion | plato_id
           |             | precio

Where the table I want to show is structured as follows:

platos  | restaurant 1 | restaurant 2 | restaurant 3 |
plato 1 | 10           | X o 0        | 15           |
plato 2 | X o 0        | 5,4          | 7            |
plato 3 | X o 0        | 12           | X o 0        |
plato 4 | 10           | 11,5         | 17           |
plato 5 | 6            | 6,5          | 10           |

where X or O appears is when that restaurant has no price for that dish or that record does not exist.

I have tried but I do not get the table that way, if someone has already done it or has a serious idea of great help. Thanks

The project is written with the laravel framework, the variables used have been these:

I get an arrangement with all the dishes $ dishes

I get an arrangement with all the restaurant $ restaurant

and I get an arrangement of the prices $ prices

the html code is:

   @foreach($restaurant as $res)
  @foreach($platos as $pla)
    @foreach($restaurant as $res)
     @foreach($precios as $pre)
      @if($pre->restaurant_id==$res->id && $pre->plato_id==$pla->id)

That's the code used, but it does not work, it does not show the prices in the order that corresponds to each restaurant

asked by Luis 21.05.2018 в 05:19

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