Problem with javascript event handling when losing focus of an HTML span element


I have this code:

<span contenteditable="true" id="Texto_publicacion_user_main_click" name="hola" onclick="publicar_usuario_texto();">Publica algo aquí</span>
             <span contenteditable="true" id="Texto_publicacion_user_main" name="hola"></span>

function publicar_usuario_texto() {
    document.getElementById("Texto_publicacion_user_main_click").style.display = "none";
    document.getElementById("Texto_publicacion_user_main").style.display = "block";


I need that when the user stops selecting the element check the element and if it is empty that another text appears but if on the contrary it is not empty that nothing happens (keep the text that the user entered)

asked by Cris GO 26.05.2018 в 05:25

3 answers


Using only JavaScript you could add a EventListener of focusout to there check if the input is empty and add the desired text

For example;

    var ejemplo = document.getElementById("ejemplo")
    ejemplo.addEventListener("focusout", funcionEjemplo);
    function funcionEjemplo(){

        if(ejemplo.value.length == 0)

        ejemplo.value = "Valor!";

 <h5>Utilizando JavaSript</h5>
  <input type="text" id="ejemplo">

If you do it with jQuery , you could do the following;


        if($(this).val().length == 0)

  <h5>Utilizando jQuery</h5>
  <input type="text" id="ejemplo">


However, with the little information you leave, I assume, that you could be useful property placeholder of a input , for example;

<input type="text" placeholder="Valor!">

I hope you find it useful, greetings!

answered by 26.05.2018 в 07:26

As you say @JuanSalvadorPortugal in your answer you could solve the problem with the property placeholder HTML if you change your element <span> by an element <input> , without However, I imagine that you are trying to emulate the behavior of this property directly in your <span> element using javascript.

You could use the event blur (which is just activated when the focus of the element in question is lost) by means of a listener that guarantees a continuous check of the element, then when the event is triggered you check if the element is empty (in your case a <span> ).


It would also be good to improve the CSS of the elements a bit    because if you are going to be changing the text that you have internally it would be good if the user could notice it, because when   a <span> remains empty the width "is reduced" to 0 and for a user   common it would not be possible to notice that it is happening for sure. Of   every way I included css to your <span> in my solution so that   appreciate the changes when making the onclick and the onblur.

Next I leave the code with what I have commented previously:

var span= document.getElementById("Texto_publicacion_user_main_click");

function publicar_usuario_texto() {
span.innerHTML ="";

span.onblur = function(){

span.innerHTML ="Otro texto";


span {
  display: inline-block;
<span contenteditable="true" id="Texto_publicacion_user_main_click" name="hola" onclick="publicar_usuario_texto();">Publica algo aquí</span>

I hope it helps. Greetings

answered by 26.05.2018 в 20:06

I'll give you a solution based on css, without javascript

span {
  display: inline-block;
content:"publica algo"
<span contenteditable="true" name="hola">Publica algo aquí</span>
answered by 08.06.2018 в 15:13