I expose my problem for which I write by this means. I'm creating a system in which the user lists some records that come from a database, in the frontend I show all the data in a table, above the table that shows the data is a form to filter the information that the user is seeing, I have seen the methods to filter according to the criteria that the user wants, apply them and it gives me as a result that I take into account some filters and others do not, the following code are the criteria that I have applied for the filter:
// filtros de busqueda
$where = '';
if (isset($_POST['filtrar'])) {
//filtra remitente y destinatario
if(!empty($_POST['r_nombre']) && !empty($_POST['d_nombre'])){
$where=" WHERE r_nombre LIKE '%".$_POST['r_nombre']."%' OR r_apellido LIKE '%".$_POST['r_nombre']."%' OR d_nombre LIKE '%".$_POST['d_nombre']."%' OR d_apellido LIKE '%".$_POST['d_nombre']."%' ";
//filtra solo remitente
}elseif(!empty($_POST['r_nombre']) && empty($_POST['d_nombre'])){
$where=" WHERE r_nombre LIKE '%".$_POST['r_nombre']."%' OR r_apellido LIKE '%".$_POST['r_nombre']."%' ";
//filtra solo destinatario
}elseif(empty($_POST['r_nombre']) && !empty($_POST['d_nombre'])){
$where=" WHERE d_nombre LIKE '%".$_POST['d_nombre']."%' OR d_apellido LIKE '%".$_POST['d_nombre']."%' ";
//filtra desde - hasta
}elseif(!empty($_POST['desde']) && !empty($_POST['hasta'])){
$where="WHERE llegada_wh BETWEEN '$_POST[desde]' AND '$_POST[hasta]' ";
//filtra por guía
$where=" WHERE track LIKE '%".$_POST['guia']."%'";
//filtra por status
$where=" WHERE status_guia = '$_POST[estatus]'";
//filtra por tipo de cobro
$where=" WHERE tipo_cobro = '$_POST[tipo_cobro]'";
//filtra el remitente por nro de guia y estatus
}elseif(!empty($_POST['r_nombre']) && !empty($_POST['guia']) && !empty($_POST['estatus']) ){
$where=" WHERE r_nombre LIKE '".$_POST['r_nombre']."%' OR r_apellido LIKE '".$_POST['r_nombre']."%' AND track LIKE '%".$_POST['guia']."%' AND status_guia = '$_POST[estatus]' ";
and here the query that brings me the data
$sql_limit = "SELECT track,llegada_wh,r_apellido,r_nombre,r_tlf,d_nombre,d_apellido,d_tlf,status_guia,peso_cobrado,total_guia,contenedores,tarifa,unidad,tipo_cobro FROM guias $where ORDER BY fecha_creacion DESC LIMIT $empezar_desde,$cant_mostrar";
$datos_limit = $this->con->consultaRetorno($sql_limit);
$row_limit = $datos->num_rows;
My question is: am I applying the correct method or will there be some other method of filtering the information
here are the input that receives the data
<input type=\"text\" class=\"form-control\" name=\"r_nombre\" placeholder=\"nombre o apellido\">
<input type=\"text\" class=\"form-control\" name=\"d_nombre\" placeholder=\"nombre o apellido\">
<input type=\"date\" name=\"desde\" class=\"form-control\">
<input type=\"date\" name=\"hasta\" class=\"form-control\">
<input type=\"text\" name=\"guia\" class=\"form-control\">
<select name=\"estatus\" class=\"form-control\">
while ($row_estatus = $datos_estatus->fetch_assoc()) {
<option value=\"$row_estatus[estatus]\">$row_estatus[estatus]</option>";
echo "
<select name=\"tipo_cobro\" class=\"form-control\">
<option value=\"Cobro en destino\">C.O.D.</option>
<option value=\"Pre-Pagado\">Pre-Pagado</option>