I'm following a tutorial to play the Google T-Rex game but I get the following error in the console: game.js: 45 Uncaught TypeError: Failed to execute 'drawImage' on 'CanvasRenderingContext2D':
The provided value is not of type '(CSSImageValue or HTMLImageElement or SVGImageElement or HTMLVideoElement or HTMLCanvasElement or ImageBitmap or OffscreenCanvas) ' at drawRex (game.js: 45) at main (game.js: 64) at juego.js: 57
I was reading line by line but I can not find the error.
document.addEventListener('keydown', function(evento){
if(evento.keyCode == 32){
var imgRex, imgNube, imgCactus, imgSuelo;
function cargaImagenes(){
imgRex = new Image();
imgNube = new Image();
imgCactus = new Image();
imgSuelo = new Image();
imgRex.src = "img/rex.png";
imgNube.src = "img/nube.png";
imgCactus.src = "img/cactus.png";
imgSuelo.src = "img/suelo.png";
var ancho = 700;
var alto = 300;
var canvas;
var ctx;
function inicializa(){
canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
function borraCanvas(){
canvas.width = ancho;
canvas.height = alto;
var trex = {y: 250, vy: 0, gravedad: 2, salto: 28, vymax: 9, saltando: false};
function dibujaRex(){
function gravedad(){
var FPS = 10;
function principal(){
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="juego.js"></script>
<body onload="inicializa();">
<canvas id="canvas" width="700" height="300" style="border:2px solid #000000;"></canvas>
I do not know if the image will have relevance but I attach it to the doubts: