* I explained the code to it, plus with this you can add and delete as many tasks as you want, this code also shows you a message in the console that you deleted a task, and if you try to delete a task and it does not exist , it will also show you a message. *
PS: Do not mix the Javascript code or CSS, inside the html is VERY BAD PRACTICE.
var charged = false; // variable "FLAG" que controlará si el dom está cargado, flag se denomina porque funciona como un "controlador" para nosotros, ya que cuando esta este en true, significa que el documento cargó
window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",() =>{charged = true;}); // Comprobamos si el documento está cargado.
var i = 0;
function Añadir() {
var div;
if(charged) div = document.getElementById("tareas"); // meteremos en un div con id tareas
i = i + 1;
var it = document.createElement("INPUT");
var c = document.createElement("INPUT");
var p = document.createElement('p');
c.setAttribute("type", "checkbox");
c.setAttribute("id", "cb");
it.setAttribute("type", "text");
it.setAttribute("size", "40");
it.setAttribute("id", i);
div.appendChild(it); // las coloco en el div
document.getElementById(i).placeholder = "Escribe tu tarea o deber que tengas que hacer";
var tareasEliminadas = 0; // cantidad de tareas eliminadas
function Quitar() {
var div;
if(charged) div = document.getElementById("tareas"); // el div
var inputs = document.getElementsByTagName("INPUT");
if(tareasEliminadas > inputs.length-1) {console.log("No tienes tareas creadas..");
tareasEliminadas++; // sumo
inputs[inputs.length-tareasEliminadas].style.display = "none";
tareasEliminadas++; // sumo
inputs[inputs.length-tareasEliminadas].style.display = "none";
console.log("Tarea eliminada..");
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
#cb {
transform: scale(2);
cursor: pointer;
<meta charset="utf-8"/>
<button onclick="Añadir()">Añadir una nueva tarea</button>
<button onclick="Quitar()">Quitar la última tarea</button>
<div id="tareas"></div>