Change values of radioButton elements to ComboBox!


Hello Good morning to all, what happens is that I am developing as a migration of a simulator, and the problem is that some radiobuttons, certain parameters are loaded at the time of puncturing and those values are filled in an input depending on which be, and what I want is for that same functionality to be done with a comboBox, that when selecting a certain option the input is loaded normally, this is my js and html code inside a jsp:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
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             * ***********************************
             * Migracion everis 03/Octubre/2013 autor: Victor Lujan
            //Declaración de Variables Globales
            //CAMBIAR ESTAS CANTIDADES ANUALMENTE  //se cambió 25-Marzo-14
            var FIJO1 = 2046.73;//Salario Actual
            var FIJO2 = 2343.38;//PMG Actual
            var FIJO3 = 2253.85;//PMG Anterior
            var a = 0, b = 0, r = 0, c = 0;

            var pension = '<%=Integer.parseInt((request.getParameter("pension") == null) ? "0" : request.getParameter("pension"))%>';
            var string_pension;
            var string_seguro = "";
            if (pension == "1") {
                string_pension = "Invalidez";
            } else if (pension == "2") {
                string_pension = "Incapacidad";
            } else if (pension == "3") {
                string_pension = "Viudez y Orfandad";
            } else if (pension == "4") {
                string_pension = "Viudez";
            } else if (pension == "5") {
                string_pension = "Orfandad";
            } else if (pension == "6") {
                string_pension = "Ascendencia";
            } else {
                string_pension = "";

            var seg = '<%=(request.getParameter("seguro") == null) ? "0" : request.getParameter("seguro")%>';
            if (seg = "1") {
                string_seguro = "invalidez";
            } else if (seg = "2") {
                string_seguro = "riesgos de trabajo";
            } else if (seg = "3") {
                string_pseguro = "Viudez y Orfandad";

            $(function () {

                $('input[name=valorpension]').click(function () {
                    if ($('select:option[name=valorpension]:checked').val() == 1) {
                    } else if ($('select:option[name=valorpension]:checked').val() == 2)

                /////***** Datos  paso 2 ******
                var HON = '<%=request.getParameter("HON")%>';
                document.getElementById("HON").value = HON;
                var HOS = '<%=request.getParameter("HOS")%>';
                document.getElementById("HOS").value = HOS;
                var HOD = '<%=request.getParameter("HOD")%>';
                document.getElementById("HOD").value = HOD;
                var ASC = '<%=request.getParameter("ASC")%>';
                document.getElementById("ASC").value = ASC;
                var esposa = '<%=(request.getParameter("esposa") == null) ? "false" : request.getParameter("esposa")%>';
                document.getElementById("esposa").value = esposa;
                // 	/****** Datos del index ******/
                var seguro = '<%=Integer.parseInt((request.getParameter("seguro") == null) ? "0" : request.getParameter("seguro"))%>';
                document.getElementById("seguro").value = seguro;
                var pension = '<%=Integer.parseInt((request.getParameter("pension") == null) ? "0" : request.getParameter("pension"))%>';
                document.getElementById("pension").value = pension;
                //***** Datos paso3
                var SP = '<%=Double.parseDouble((request.getParameter("SP") == null) ? "0" : request.getParameter("SP"))%>';
                document.getElementById("SP").value = SP;
                var AAS = '<%=Integer.parseInt((request.getParameter("AAS") == null) ? "0" : request.getParameter("AAS"))%>';
                document.getElementById("AAS").value = AAS;
                var PDI = '<%=Integer.parseInt((request.getParameter("PDI") == null) ? "0" : request.getParameter("PDI"))%>';
                document.getElementById("PDI").value = PDI;

                if (SP > 0 || seguro == 3) {

                    var tope;

                    a = 0;

                    b = 0;

                    r = 0;

                    c = 0;

                    //selecciona el valor del tope

                    //if (!(seguro==1))

                    //	tope=0;


                    tope = SP;


                    c = ((FIJO1 * 12) / 365) * 25;

                    b = SP * 365 / 12;

                    //verifica que no se exceda el tope

                    if (tope <= c) {
                        //asigna el valor de la Cuantia Basica
                        if (seguro == 1) {
                            b = b * 0.35;
                        } else {
                            b = b * 0.70;
                        if (seguro == 3) {
                            window.document.getElementById("CB").value = outputMoney(FIJO2);
                        } else {
                            window.document.getElementById("CB").value = outputMoney(b);
                        //datos de a y b para cada combinación

                        //verficar el TdS

                        if (seguro == 1) {
                            //Vericar para cada TdP

                            if (pension == 1) {
                                string_pension = "Invalidez";
                                //if (forma.TdSIV.checked && forma.TdPInvalidez.checked) {

                                r = (HON * .1) + (AAS / 100) + 1;

                                if (esposa == "true") {
                                    r = r + 0.15;

                                r = Max(FIJO2, r * b);

                                a = Max(FIJO2, b);



                            else if (pension == 3) {
                                string_pension = "Viudez y Orfandad";
                                //else if (forma.TdSIV.checked && forma.TdPVO.checked)	{

                                r = 0.9 + (HOS * 0.2) + (HOD * 0.3);

                                if (r > 1) {
                                    r = Max(FIJO2, b);
                                } else
                                    r = Max(FIJO2, b) * r;

                                a = r;


                            else if (pension == 4) {
                                string_pension = "Viudez";
                                //else if (forma.TdSIV.checked && forma.TdPVI.checked)			{

                                r = Max(FIJO2, b) * 0.9;

                                a = r;



                            else if (pension == 5) {
                                string_pension = "Orfandad";
                                //else if (forma.TdSIV.checked && forma.TdPOR.checked)	{

                                r = HOS * 0.2 + HOD * 0.3;

                                if (r > 1) {
                                    a = Max(FIJO2, b);

                                    r = a;

                                } else {
                                    r = Max(FIJO2, b) * r;

                                    a = r;




                            else if (pension == 6) {
                                string_pension = "Ascendencia";
                                //else if (forma.TdSIV.checked && forma.TdPASC.checked)							  {

                                r = ASC * 0.2;

                                a = Max(FIJO2, b) * r;

                                r = a;


                        }//fin de verificar TdSIV

                        else if (seguro == 2) {

                            if (pension == 2) {
                                string_pension = "Incapacidad";
                                //else if (forma.TdSRT.checked && forma.TdPIncapacidad.checked) {

                                r = (PDI / 100) * Max(b, FIJO2);

                                if (PDI > 50) {
                                    a = r * 0.5;


                            else if (pension == 3) {
                                string_pension = "Viudez y Orfandad";
                                //else if (forma.TdSRT.checked && forma.TdPVO.checked) {
                                r = Max(0.4, ((0.9 * FIJO2) / Max(FIJO2, b)))
                                        + (HOS * 0.2) + (HOD * 0.3);

                                if (r > 1) {
                                    a = ((Max(0.4, ((0.9 * FIJO2) / Max(FIJO2, b))) + HOD * 0.3) / r)
                                            * 0.5 * Max(FIJO2, b);

                                    r = Max(FIJO2, b);

                                } else {
                                    a = (Max(0.4, ((0.9 * FIJO2) / Max(FIJO2, b))) + HOD * 0.3)
                                            * 0.5 * Max(FIJO2, b);

                                    r = Max(FIJO2, b) * r;




                            else if (pension == 4) {
                                //else if (forma.TdSRT.checked && forma.TdPVI.checked)	{

                                r = Max(0.4, ((0.9 * FIJO2) / Max(FIJO2, b)))
                                        * Max(FIJO2, b);

                                a = r * 0.5;



                            else if (pension == 5) {
                                //else if (forma.TdSRT.checked && forma.TdPOR.checked)			{

                                r = HOS * 0.2 + HOD * 0.3;

                                if (r > 1) {
                                    a = ((HOD * 0.3) / r) * Max(FIJO2, b) * 0.5;

                                    r = Max(FIJO2, b);

                                } else {
                                    r = Max(FIJO2, b) * r;

                                    a = HOD * 0.3 * Max(FIJO2, b) * 0.5;




                            else if (pension == 6) {
                                //else if (forma.TdSRT.checked && forma.TdPASC.checked)		{

                                r = ASC * 0.2;

                                a = Max(FIJO2, b) * r * 0.5;

                                r = Max(FIJO2, b) * r;


                        }//fin TdSRT

                        else if (seguro == 3) {

                            if (pension == 3) {
                                r = 0.9 + HOS * 0.2 + HOD * 0.3;

                                if (r > 1) {
                                    r = FIJO2;

                                    a = 0;

                                } else {
                                    r = FIJO2 * r;

                                    a = 0;




                            else if (pension == 4) {
                                r = FIJO2 * 0.9;

                                a = 0;



                            else if (pension == 5) {
                                r = HOS * 0.2 + HOD * 0.3;

                                if (r > 1) {
                                    a = FIJO2;

                                    r = 0;

                                } else {
                                    r = FIJO2 * r;

                                    a = 0;




                            else if (pension == 6) {
                                r = ASC * 0.2;

                                a = 0;

                                r = FIJO2 * r;


                        }//fin TdSRCV


                        if (b < FIJO2) {
                            window.document.getElementById("CB").value = outputMoney(FIJO2);
                        window.document.getElementById("PM").value = outputMoney(r);
                        setPaymentAmount(($('#PM').val()).replace(",", ""));

                        window.document.getElementById("AG").value = outputMoney(a);

                    } else {
                        alert("El Salario Pensionable debe ser menor a 25 veces el salario mínimo vigente.");
                        //nuevo Cambio
                        window.location = '/aplicativos/simulador-pensiones/paso-03.jsp?pension=' + pension + '&seguro=' + seguro;
                        //llamar a reset valores de abajo....

                        //reset sp

                    }//fin checartope

                }//fin if sp>0

                else {
                    alert("El Salario Pensionable no puede ser 0");



        <div class="container">
            <h1>Simulador Pensión</h1>
            <h2>Calculo de Pensión por Montos Solicitados.</h2>
            <form name="paso04" method="post" action="">
                <input type="hidden" name="HON" id="HON" value=""> 
            <input type="hidden" name="HOS" id="HOS" value=""> 
            <input type="hidden" name="HOD" id="HOD" value=""> 
            <input type="hidden" name="ASC" id="ASC" value=""> 
            <input type="hidden" name="esposa" id="esposa" value=""> 
            <input type="hidden" name="seguro" id="seguro" value=""> 
            <input type="hidden" name="pension" id="pension" value=""> 
            <input type="hidden" name="SP" id="SP" value=""> 
            <input type="hidden" name="AAS" id="AAS" value="">
            <input type="hidden" name="PDI" id="PDI" value="">
                <div class="botonera1">		
                    <div id="bt_div" class="derecha">
                        <div class="group">
                            <select class="Caja_txt_246" tabindex="9">
                                <option name="valorpension" id="actual" value="1">Actual</option>
                                <option name="valorpension" id="anterior" value="2">Anterior</option>


                            <label class="combo">Pensión mínima garantizada:</label>


                <div class="botonera1">
                    <div id="bt_div" class="derecha">
                    <div class="group">
                        <!--<input name="CB" type="text"  id="CB" value="" readonly="readonly">-->

                        <input class="inputsChicos" name="CB" type="text"  id="CB" value="" readonly="readonly" >

                        <label>Cuantía Básica:</label>
                <div class="botonera1">
                    <div id="bt_div" class="derecha">
                    <div class="group">
                        <input class="inputsChicos" name="PM" type="text"   id="PM" value="" readonly="readonly">
                        <label>Pensión mensual:</label>


                <div class="botonera1">
                    <div id="bt_div" class="derecha">
                    <div class="group">
                        <!--<input class="inputsChicos" name="AG" type="text"  id="AG" value="" readonly="readonly" >-->
                        <input class="inputsChicos" name="AG" type="text"  id="AG" value="" readonly="readonly">


               <div class="botonera1">
                   <div id="bt_div" class="derecha">
                    <div class="group">
                        <input class="inputsChicos" name="PMG" type="text"  id="PMG" value="" readonly="readonly">


                    <div class="botonera">
                        <div id="bt_div" class="derecha exiit">
                            <a href="" class="exit">Regresar</a>
                        <div id="bt_div" class="izquierda">
                            <button type="submit" id="loginButton" >Aceptar</button>
            <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
            setLevel(1, "pensiones");
            setLevel(2, "simulador pensiones");
            setLevel(3, "pagina exitosa");
            setBussinessUnit("BBVA Bancomer");
            setUserState("no logado");
            setName("simulador pensiones");
            setStep("pagina exitosa");
            setProductSubtype("planes de pensiones");
            <script type="text/javascript">_satellite.pageBottom();</script>


Possibly the problem is here:

$('input[name=valorpension]').click(function () {
    if ($('input:radio[name=valorpension]:checked').val() == 1) {
    } else if ($('input:radio[name=valorpension]:checked').val() == 2)

Finally it is the view:

Just as the numbers are seen, that calculation must be seen in an input that is hidden from the right side of where it says aguinaldo

I hope and you can offer me your support please, in advance I send you cordial greetings.

asked by JUAN JOSE BUSTAMANTE SOLIS 21.11.2017 в 17:15

1 answer


Here is the solution friends, aloof and GOOD VIBRA:

                        .change(function () {
                            if ($('select option:selected[name=valorpension]:selected').val() == 1) {
//                                str += $(this).text() + " ";
                            } else if ($('select option:selected[name=valorpension]:selected').val() == 2)
//                            str += $(this).text() + " ";
answered by 22.11.2017 в 17:53