Javascript only works on the same page [closed]


I have a problem with some Javascript routines that only work on the same page, they stop working when I put them in another file in which I have other Javascript routines that work normally, the first function shows me a tooltip in some submit buttons, the other is a simple function that changes the lower case to uppercase, this way I have them on the page:


    function mayus(e) {
        e.value = e.value.toUpperCase();

When I put them in a file p utilitarios.js does not recognize them. I include this file on the page as follows:

<script src="views/js/jquery.js"></script>
<script src="views/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>
<script src="views/js/utilitarios.js"></script>

What should I do to make it work properly ??.

asked by Emersoft 02.10.2017 в 05:07

1 answer


You mentioned this error in the comments

Uncaught ReferenceError: $ is not defined at utilitarios.js:2.

It is possible that you are not recognizing the $ symbol? This can be as the user "Cesar Romero" has mentioned that you have not imported the library or the route you wrote it wrong.

answered by 02.10.2017 в 11:30