MVC4 C # problems calling Action from Controller


I have an index.cshtml that contains a JqGrid grid, which is filled with a controller method and works correctly. (invoke the method from the client and fill all its fields)

Then I have a function _editRow that is executed when a record of the grid is double-clicked and this function also calls an input that would only bring the details of this record, but it does not . Try many things, but the _editRow function never invokes the controller method. he does not even access the first line of him.

then I leave the methods and calls in question.


$.jgrid.gridUnload("#tblJQGrid");//FUnciona Perfecto

function Inicial(filter) {
        mtype: 'POST',
        url: '/Productor/ListaInicial', //Llamada al metodo para llenar grilla

        datatype: "json",
        colNames: ['Col01', 'Col02', 'Col03', 'Col04', ],
        colModel: [
            { name: 'Col01', index: 'Col01', width: 255, stype: 'text'},
            { name: 'Col02', index: 'Col02', width: 90, align: "center" },
            { name: 'Col03', index: 'Col03', width: 150, align: "center" },
            { name: 'Col04', index: 'Col04', width: 80, align: "center" },

        emptyrecords: 'No existen movimientos vigentes!',
        rowNum: 10000,
        viewrecords: true,
        sortorder: 'Desc',
        caption: "Produccion",
        scrollOffset: 0,
        height: 'auto',
        loadonce: true,
        multiselect: false,
        postData: {
            desc: filter
        loadComplete: function (data) {
            var countRows = $("#tblJQGrid").getRowData().length;
            if (countRows === 0) {
        ondblClickRow: function () {
            detailRow();// esto se ejecutará al hacer doble click sobre un registro


Initial Method () // to fill in the grid

public ActionResult ListaInicial(string sidx, string sord, int page, int rows, string desc = "")
        //algo de logica
        var data = new
            rows = from c in list
                   select new
                       cell = new string[]
        return Json(data);

Index.csHTML // here the problem starts

function detailRow() {
    var idRow = $('#tblJQGrid').jqGrid('getGridParam', 'selrow');
    //Obtengo el numero del campo 01 para ir a buscar el detalle
    var data = $('#tblJQGrid'),
        selRowId = data.jqGrid('getGridParam', 'selrow'),
        celValue = data.jqGrid('getCell', selRowId, 'Col01');

            messageType: "popup",
            name: "popup_detailRow",
            btnok: true,
            title: "Detalles de: " + celValue,
            width: 50,
            mtype: 'POST',
            content: 'Url.Action("_DetailRowsPza")'?id=' +celValue

Method for detail

 public ActionResult _DetailRowsPza(int id)
     //algo de lógica por acá
        var data = new
               ///otro por poco de lógica por acá también
            return PartialView("_detail", data);
asked by lanshare 23.04.2018 в 21:58

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