Good to see, I have a navigation error in an EF class where Linq navigation is not supported, I would like to know if someone happened this and if they have any suggestions on how to solve my problem.
Error: The specified type member 'Prop2' is not supported in LINQ to Entities. Only initializers, entity members, and entity navigation properties are supported
// Clase que contiene la propiedad a consumir
public Class1
public Class1
Prop1 = new HashSet<Class2>();
public virtual HashSet<Class2> Prop1 {get;set;}
// Propiedad no mapeada
public HashSet<Class2> Prop2 => Prop1.Where(x => x.IsActive).ToHashSet();
// Para consumir intento hacer esto y me retorna el error
var miObjeto = DbContenxt.Class1.Where(x => x.Prop2.Any());
I already appreciate the help you can give me