I have the following error in a laravel query, the query that I execute is the following one.
and the error thrown at me is
SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1052 Column 'updated_at' i
n field list is ambiguous (SQL: update 'kaseya_roles' inner join 'kaseya_ro
l_user' on 'kaseya_roles'.'id' = 'kaseya_rol_user'.'rol_id' set 'kaseya_rol
_user'.'state' = 0, 'updated_at' = 2017-06-21 22:03:59 where 'kaseya_rol_us
er'.'user_id' = 11)
I know it could be solved by specifying the name of the table for updated_at but I do not know how to do it if that field is added by laravel