Questions tagged as 'laravel-4'


How to pass parameters from a href to a get route in laravel 4.2?

Greetings community I'm working with this route in laravel Route::get('/{tienda}/{ruta}', array('before' => 'validar_tienda', function($tienda, $ruta) {...} to invoke it from the browser bar I have no major problem with the dynamic pa...
asked by 09.11.2016 / 21:44

How to configure to open another project with Laravel + Homestead in Windows

I have made the configuration in the following files. Also make the command vagrant up and then vagrant reload --provision and another command vagrant-hostsupdater . I honestly can not see my other project in the browser, but...
asked by 24.08.2016 / 18:00

Query in laravel with Relationships from blade?

Good I have the following tables Users Requests Servers Which are related as follows. A User has several Requests A Server has several Requests Now what I need is to obtain all the servers associated with the requests that th...
asked by 02.06.2017 / 23:50

Mcrypt PHP extension required

What happens to me is that I have to work on a project that is laravel4.2 and my xammp has php 7.2.3 and when I try to run the project I get the error Mcrypt PHP extension required. I tried to change the Xammp version but the error persists    ...
asked by 04.04.2018 / 23:59

Laravel: Consultation with Eloquent using count

I want to make a query that involves a count, and it works. The query is this: $user = Auth::user(); $id = $user->id; $users = DB::table('cuentas as a') ->join('pasajeros as b', '', '=', 'a.pasajero_id') ->where('b...
asked by 10.07.2016 / 01:51

Migrate some tables in laravel?

Hello I have a database already created with some tables and records in them, this database was previously created with laravel. Now what happens is that it was necessary to modify some relationships between the tables from the laravel miagra...
asked by 02.06.2017 / 18:36

Bring a value of a model to my view laravel

I am sending from my controller name,app,tlf,cel,fechadeingreso all this goes in my variable $clients . In my view it shows well, now I want to calculate the time that has elapsed since the date that client was entered, for this I c...
asked by 18.10.2016 / 16:40

'updated_at' in field list is ambiguous in Laravel

I have the following error in a laravel query, the query that I execute is the following one. $usuarioE->roles()->update(['kaseya_rol_user.state'=>0]); and the error thrown at me is [Illuminate\Database\QueryException] SQLSTATE...
asked by 22.06.2017 / 00:13

Laravel driver syntax error

I get the null fields, because it is not an "input" what I am receiving, but an "option" but I do not know how to declare it so that it grabs the value of the option for my record. Form: <form class="form-horizontal" action="{{url('/orde...
asked by 24.05.2017 / 04:19

Laravel: Check with WhereBetween

I want to adapt a query I had with a simple Where, using a Where in conjunction with a Between, to make a query with a range between two dates. My code is like this. And I'm aware that the "whereBetween" is not working. $consulta = DB::table('...
asked by 11.08.2016 / 05:19