I'm making a page with elements that can be commented:
element_1 (id_1) --->escribe tu comentario ---> OnClick abre div con un formulario
element_2 (id_2) --->escribe tu comentario ---> OnClick abre div con el mismo formulario
element_3 (id_3) --->escribe tu comentario ---> OnClick abre div con el mismo formulario
Like any site with comments, when you click, via AJAX, the corresponding form is opened (which is always the same), with a textarea to write your comment. Each form includes a captcha.
<form action="#" method="post" id="<?php echo $post_id; ?>" class="comment">
<textarea name="comment_post" maxlength=400 id="comment_post"></textarea><br />
Enter code...
<img src="grafica/img.php?rand=<?php echo rand(); ?>" id='captchaimg' ><br>
<input id="6_letters_code" name="6_letters_code" type="text"><br>
<span style="margin-left:105px;position: relative;top: -15px;"><small>Can't read the image? click <a href='javascript: refreshCaptcha();'>here</a> to refresh</small></span><br/>
<input type="button" class="submit" value=" Submit Comment " />
Send comment
$(function() {
$(".submit").click(function() {
var comment_post = $("#comment_post").val();
var captcha = $("#6_letters_code").val();
type: "POST",
... se envia el formulario ...
Refresh captcha
function refreshCaptcha()
var img = document.images['captchaimg'];
img.src = img.src.substring(0,img.src.lastIndexOf("?"))+"?rand="+Math.random()*1000;
When we open a div it works (send and captcha), but when we open a second div , the form submission and refreshCaptcha()
stop working .
I suspect that this happens by putting several forms in divs without refreshing page. If anyone knows how to solve it, I would appreciate it.