Display a loader until all the ajax requests are uploaded


I have to show a loader on a page that shows graphs and I need to show the loader until they do not load all.

The problem is that the loader is displayed in a very short time and is hidden before they load all the contents.

The code is as follows:

     * Se obtienen las urls que tiene acceso el usuario en el dashboard.
    $.getJSON(getBaseUri() + 'dashboard/index', function(data) {
        var datas = data['return'];
        var urls = [];
        var idDash = [];
        var types = [];
         * Recorro el data para enviar los datos de cada dashboard
        for (var i in datas) {
            //Se guardan las urls, los id de las dashboard y las descripciones en un arreglo
                url: datas[i].route,
                id: datas[i].id,
                title: datas[i].privilege,
                div: datas[i].div
            idDash.push(datas[i].id); //Se guardan los id de las dashboard en un arreglo
            types.push(datas[i].type); //Se guardan los tipos de dashboard en un arreglo
             * Envío los parámetros a la función receiveData()
            receiveData(datas[i].route, datas[i].sign, datas[i].class, datas[i].div, datas[i].privilege, datas[i].type, types, idDash, datas[i].id, urls, datas[i].label, datas[i].xaxis, datas[i].yaxis, datas[i].background);
     * La función receiveData() recibe los parámetros de los dashboard que tiene acceso el usuario y trae los data de cada url consultada.
    function receiveData(url, sign, iconClass, div, title, type, types, idDash, id, urls, label, xaxis, yaxis, background) {

 * Consulta de cada uno de los controladores y envía el data a cada una de las                funciones

           url: url,
           method: 'GET',
           dataType: 'json',
           success: function(data){
             var datas = data['return'];
             if (type === "Bar") {
                 barChart(datas, title, div, type, types, idDash, id, urls);
             if (type === "Indicator") {
                     data: datas,
                     div: div,
                     title: title,
                     icon: sign,
                     class: iconClass,
                     idDash: id
             if (type === "Sowing") {
                     data: datas,
                     div: div,
                     title: title,
                     idDash: id
             if (type === "BarChart") {
                     data: datas,
                     div: div,
                     title: title,
                     url: url,
                     label: label,
                     xaxis: xaxis,
                     yaxis: yaxis,
                     type: sign,
                     background: background
           error: function(error){


To the AJAX function I added the loader in the beforeSend , it works but only once and already, I also use the events .ajaxStart() and .ajaxStop() and they do not work for me.

This is the HTML:

<div id="loading" class="text-center margin">
    <h3>Un momento por favor...</h3>

<div class="col-lg-12 no-margin no-padding">
        <canvas id="productivity" width="500" height="270"></canvas>
      <div class="col-lg-12 no-margin no-padding">
        <canvas id="plantProduction" width="500" height="300"></canvas>

This is what I have tried and it does not work:

$(document).bind("ajaxSend", function(){
   }).bind("ajaxComplete", function(){

Is there any way to show the loader until all the requests are complete?

Thank you.

asked by Fabian Sierra 16.01.2017 в 15:22

1 answer


The problem is that you are using ajaxComplete , this event triggers each time a request is terminated, so when the first one is finished it will be invoked. That is, the second one has not yet finished but the event was invoked.

The event that you have to use is ajaxStop which is invoked when there are no pending requests left, so it is invoked when the batch finishes loading. This is in fact the event opposite to ajaxStart .

$( document ).ajaxStart(function() {

$( document ).ajaxStop(function() {

This setup will be global, since both events are global: Whenever an ajax request is initiated (via jQuery), ajaxStart will be invoked. and whenever there are no more pending requests, ajaxStop will be invoked.

Documentation: Ajax Events

answered by 16.01.2017 / 15:39