Error showing image from internet on android [duplicated]


I'm trying to show an image from the internet with the following code:

try {
    final ImageView prueba2 = (ImageView) view.findViewById(;

    URL url = new URL("");

    Bitmap bmp = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(url.openConnection().getInputStream());
catch (IOException e) {

And I get the following error:


Process: com.dedicables.videos.dedicable, PID: 24788                                                                                    android.os.NetworkOnMainThreadException                                                                                        at   android.os.StrictMode $ AndroidBlockGuardPolicy.onNetwork (                                                                                        at (                                                                                        at (                                                                                        at (                                                                                        at $ 1.getAllByName (                                                                                        at (                                                                                        at (                                                                                        at (                                                                                        at (                                                                                        at (                                                                                        at (                                                                                        at (                                                                                        at (                                                                                        at   com.dedicables.videos.dedicable.Views.Login.Login.onCreateView (

Where the error marks me on the following line:

Bitmap bmp = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(url.openConnection().getInputStream());

I have tried with several url and it keeps giving me the same error

asked by Eduardo Jesus 07.07.2016 в 06:25

2 answers


You are making the connection in the main thread. You have to pass that request to a secondary thread. For this you can use a AsyncTask (in this case this class will be contained within the class that carries your code)

class GetImageAsync extends AsyncTask<String, Void, Bitmap> {

    protected Bitmap doInBackground(String... params) {
        URL url = new URL(params[0]);
        Bitmap bmp = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(url.openConnection().getInputStream());
        return bmp;

    protected void onPostExecute(Bitmap bmp) {

Then you must modify your code, so that your ImageView test2 is a variable of the class to be able to access it from AsyncTask and you should create it like this:

  • If the version of Android is less than API 11: new GetImageAsync().execute("");
  • If the version of Android is greater than or equal to API 11: new GetImageAsync().executeOnExecutor(AsyncTask.THREAD_POOL_EXECUTOR, "");

In this link you have a lot more information about AsyncTask : link


answered by 07.07.2016 в 09:26

The error


NetworkOnMainThreadException : Caused when you try to perform   operations on the main thread (Main thread), which is incorrect.

It is related to a task being performed on the main thread, which is incorrect you can use a Asynctask or simply runOnUiThread ()

answered by 07.07.2016 в 12:40