How can I make an 2003 datagrid that has 6 columns (apart from the columns of the data) link in each of them, and what I am more lost: As a process each of the events of each link ? Thanks.
How can I make an 2003 datagrid that has 6 columns (apart from the columns of the data) link in each of them, and what I am more lost: As a process each of the events of each link ? Thanks.
To create additional columns you should only define them in the design
Creating Custom Columns for the ASP.NET Datagrid
I imagine in your grid you define the property AutoGenerateColumns
in true. As you will notice in the article there are several ways to achieve it
You could define a columns of type HyperLinkColumn
<asp:DataGrid id="DataGrid1"
<asp:HyperLinkColumn DataNavigateUrlField="application_id"
DataTextField="application_id" HeaderText="APPLICATION_ID"></asp:HyperLinkColumn>
In this case it would be a link in the column that redirects to a url, the property DataNavigateUrlField
Another alternative would be using <asp:ButtonColumn>
<asp:DataGrid id="DataGrid1"
HeaderText="Edit item"
You can define several ButtonColumn as you need
The action is received in the event ItemCommand where you will have the CommandName
to know what action was hit
Just what I would advise is that if you want to give a specific position to these columns you define them all in design time and assign the AutoGenerateColumns="false"