How to generate a custom ToolTips with google charts


Good morning, I'm working on creating a combochart, with custom tooltips; another graph when passing the pointer over a bar, but I could not make the attached graphic the code that I carry as well as the page that shows the example (in the section Placing charts in tooltips): link

           body{margin:0; padding:0; border:0}
    <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery/Api_Google.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">

    google.load('visualization','1', {'packages':['corechart']});

      // Set up data for visible chart.
      var primaryData = [
        // ['FECHA','PPTO - 2016','REAL - 2015','REAL - 2016'],
           ['ENE',   22261,        20887,        23246],
           ['FEB',   23605,        21239,        24432],
           ['MAR',   22222,        21443,        22581],
           ['ABR',   24054,        22005,        24030],
           ['MAY',   23687,        22138,        24688],
           ['JUN',   25976,        22767,        25465]

      // Set up data for your tooltips.
      var tooltipData_ppto = [
        ['FECHA',       'ENE',  'FEB', 'MAR', 'ABR', 'MAY', 'JUN'],
        ['Personal',     2598,   2240,   389,   354,   234,     72],
        ['G. Oper.',     2682,   2456,   387,   384,   194,    101],
        ['Deprec.',      2733,   1988,   367,   350,   173,    116],
        ['A. Fijos',      354,    387,   367,   402,   388,    395],
        ['O. Cargos',      72,    101,   116,   227,   217,    138],
        ['G. Admon.',     234,    194,   173,   233,   202,    197],


      var tooltipData_real2015 = [
        ['FECHA',       'ENE',  'FEB', 'MAR', 'ABR', 'MAY', 'JUN'],
        ['Personal',     2598,   2240,   389,   354,   234,     72],
        ['G. Oper.',     2682,   2456,   387,   384,   194,    101],
        ['Deprec.',      2733,   1988,   367,   350,   173,    116],
        ['A. Fijos',      354,    387,   367,   402,   388,    395],
        ['O. Cargos',      72,    101,   116,   227,   217,    138],
        ['G. Admon.',     234,    194,   173,   233,   202,    197],


      var tooltipData_real2016 = [
        ['FECHA',       'ENE',  'FEB', 'MAR', 'ABR', 'MAY', 'JUN'],
        ['Personal',     2598,   2240,   389,   354,   234,     72],
        ['G. Oper.',     2682,   2456,   387,   384,   194,    101],
        ['Deprec.',      2733,   1988,   367,   350,   173,    116],
        ['A. Fijos',      354,    387,   367,   402,   388,    395],
        ['O. Cargos',      72,    101,   116,   227,   217,    138],
        ['G. Admon.',     234,    194,   173,   233,   202,    197],


      var tooltipOptions = {
        title: '',
        legend: 'none',
        width: 500, height:300,
        seriesType: 'bars',
        bar: {groupWidth:'90%'}

      // Draws your charts to pull the PNGs for your tooltips.
      function drawTooltipCharts() {

        var data = new google.visualization.arrayToDataTable(tooltipData_ppto);
        var view = new google.visualization.DataView(data);

        // For each row of primary data, draw a chart of its tooltip data.
        for (var i = 0; i < primaryData.length; i++) {

          // Set the view for each event's data
          view.setColumns([0, i + 1, {calc: "stringify",
                                     sourceColumn: i+1,
                                     type: "string",
                                     role: "annotation" }]);

          var hiddenDiv = document.getElementById('hidden_div');

          var tooltipChart = new google.visualization.ComboChart(hiddenDiv);

, 'ready', function() {

            // Get the PNG of the chart and set is as the src of an img tag.
            var tooltipImg = '<img src="' + tooltipChart.getImageURI() + '">';

            // Add the new tooltip image to your data rows.
            primaryData[i][2] = tooltipImg;

          tooltipChart.draw(view, tooltipOptions);

      function drawPrimaryChart() {

        var data = new google.visualization.DataTable();
        data.addColumn('string', 'Event');

        data.addColumn('number', 'Real2015');
        data.addColumn({ type: 'string', label: 'Tooltip Chart', role: 'tooltip', 'p': {'html': true}});

         var options = {
                       bar: {groupWidth:'95%'},
                       animation:{startup: true, duration: 500},
                       legend: {position: 'top' },
                       width: 1000, height:420,
                       tooltip: {isHtml: true},
                       hAxis:{title: ''},
                       vAxis:{title:'', minValue: 0},
                       seriesType: 'bars',
                       series: {0: {type: 'line', pointShape: 'circle', pointSize: 8, color: '#903C39'},
                                1: {color: '#B4B4B4'}, 2: {color: '#456287'}}

        // Add your data (with the newly added tooltipImg).

        var visibleDiv = document.getElementById('visible_div');
        var primaryChart = new google.visualization.ComboChart(visibleDiv);
        primaryChart.draw(data, options);


<div id="hidden_div" style="display:none"></div>
<div id="visible_div" style="height:300px"></div>
asked by Jonathan Gaitan 08.08.2016 в 20:34

0 answers