I have an incident with an answer that I have in an AJAX, all this within a depends
of a rule required
in a JS with jQuery Validate for the validation of a form.
I leave the code that I am running:
ignore: '[readonly=readonly]',
errorPlacement: function (error, element) {
var lastError = $(element).data('lastError'), newError = $(error).text();
$(element).data('lastError', newError);
if (newError !== '' && newError !== lastError) {
trigger: "manual",
placement: "auto top",
content: newError,
container: "body",
template: "<div class=\"popover\" role=\"tooltip\"><div class=\"arrow\"></div><div class=\"popover-content\"><p></p></div></div>"
if (element.is(':hidden')) {
console.log('hidden element');
}else {
console.log('normal element');
success: function (label, element) {
rules: {
"3_nombre[]": {
maxlength: 500,
required: {
depends: function(element){
var id=$(this).parents('table').attr('id');
var rut_p=$('#'+id+' #3_rut').val();
var xurl="vws/ajax_validar_rut.php?rut="+rut_p;
url: xurl,
type: "GET",
success: function(data){
// alert(1);
if( data==0 ){
// alert(2);
if($('.3_rut').val() !='' || $('.3_ape_p').val() !='' || $('.3_ape_m').val() !='' ){
// alert(3);
return true;
}else {
// alert(4);
return false;
// return true;
}else {
// alert(5);
return false;
Then it is understood that this required
, must receive a 'TRUE' or a 'FALSE'. But he does not receive it. I'm missing something, is there an error that the debugger is not seeing?
I still needed to describe that the 'xurl' - > 'ajax_vallidar_rut.php' validates the rut itself (which is legitimate) and whether or not it is greater than a range to identify whether it is a company or a natural person. This returns a '0' or a '1' which is what is then valid in the success
of the AJAX.
I had found a solution, but it is outdated. It was just the issue of async=false
in the AJAX, keeping me that way;
"3_ape_p[]": {
maxlength: 500,
required: {
depends: function(element){
var id=$(this).parents('table').attr('id');
var rut_p=$('#'+id+' #3_rut').val();
var xurl="vws/ajax_validar_rut.php?rut="+rut_p;
var bRequired=false;
async: false,
url: xurl,
type: "GET",
success: function(data){
if( data==1 || data==0 ){
if($('.3_rut').val() !='' || $('.3_ape_m').val() !='' || $('.3_direccion').val() !='' || $('.3_num').val() !='' || $('.3_comuna').val() !='' || $('.3_email').val() !='' || $('.3_tel').val() !='' || $('.3_fax').val() !=''){
// return true;
}else {
// return false;
// return true;
}else {
// return false;
return bRequired;
Extracting the idea you gave me, this is what I have left:
"3_nombre_prop[]": {
maxlength: 500,
required: true,
remote: {
xurl: "vws/ajax_validar_rut.php?rut="+$('#'+$(this).parents('table').attr('id')+' #3_rut_prop').val();
type: "GET",
data: {
ape_p: $('.3_ape_p').val(),
ape_m: $('.3_ape_m').val()
But it tells me that I have a syntax error in the URL.
Would you have to change the type
and leave it as POST
to send the rut for data
Thankful, as always .. THANK YOU!
I can not believe that it was so simple, THANK YOU @Alvaro for the guide .. At the end I left it like this;
"3_nombre_prop[]": {
maxlength: 500,
required: true,
remote: {
url: "vws/ajax_valida_campos.php",
type: "POST",
data: {
And in ajax_valida_campos.php
, I'm like this;
// print_r($_POST);
echo $bValida;
In this way, valid when there is data and when not. Would it be correct?