Calculate the value (ASCII) of each word (sum of the value of the letters) of a sentence within an array


I'm doing an exercise that is about calculating the value of each word in a sentence that the user enters. I wanted to know if you could help me know how to do it, thanks! What I want to do is calculate the value of a word, or the same, calculate the sum of each letter in ascii.

I've done this but I do not know if I'm starting the snake by the rattle or it's all wrong, but I know I'm missing what I'm asking to calculate the value of a word, or the same, calculate the sum of each letter in ascii.

public class ejercicio6 {

    char[] pal;    
    Paraula p = new Paraula(); //Clase que me define una palabra
    Scanner scn = new Scanner(;
    private static char[] frase = null;
    private static int indice;

    LT lt = new LT(); //Clase para poder leer char, lineas, reales y enteros

    public void inicio(){ 
        int n = 0;
        String frase = new String(); //String donde metemos la frase

    public static void main(String[] args) { //Main donde inicializamos el juego
        ejercicio6 at = new ejercicio6();

    public static char leerCarTeclado() { //esta clase sirve para leer del teclado
        char res = '.';
        if (frase != null) {
            res = frase[indice++];
        return 0;

        public int ContarPesoPalabra() {
        String aux;
        aux = new LT().llegirLinia(); //Lee el string
        pal = aux.toCharArray(); //Convierte la cadena en un array de chars
        int S = 0; //Contador de la suma de lo que vale cada letra en ASCII
        int n; //Numero con el que tiene que ser más grande la suma de la palabra
        n = scn.nextInt(); //Leemos el numero que nos entra el usuario
        if (S != '.') { //Si al recorrer el Array no encontramos un . seguimos
            for (int i = 0; i < pal.length; i++) { //lee todo el array
                S = S + pal[i]; //Suma el contador
                if (S >= n && S != espai) { //Si la suma de la palabra en ASCII o hay espacio, 
                                            //no sigas, si no es asi, imprime la palabra

        return 0;

I'm new to this, and I do not know if I'm doing it right.

asked by Pedro 13.12.2018 в 14:44

1 answer


If you want to add the ASCII value of the letters of a string:

    String cadena = "¡Bienvenido a la comunidad!"; //simple variable para probar
    int contador = 0; //esta variable contará la suma del valor ASCII de cada letra
    for (int i=0; i < cadena.length(); i++){
        contador = contador + cadena.codePointAt(i); 

The .codePointAt() method returns the ASCII code of a character in   concrete. The character will be the one that matches the index that is passed   as a parameter to the method.

You can also use the following form:


Since charAt returns the character in the position that matches   the index, indicating that you have to treat the value as (int) / integer /   the value is converted to ASCII.

In the case of an arrays of words in which there are no spaces between the words (if there are spaces, the ASCII value of the space will be counted):

String[] array = {"¡", "Bienvenido", "a", "la", "comunidad", "!"};
int contador;
for(int j=0; j < array.length; j++) {
    for (int i=0; i < array[j].length(); i++){
        contador = contador + (int)array[j].charAt(i);
    System.out.println(array[j]+" en ASCII el valor es: "+contador);

In case there may be spaces and you do not want to count them, you have to put an if inside the loop:

for (int i=0; i < array[j].length(); i++){
    if(array[j].charAt(i)!=" "){ //si no es un espacio sumara su valor ASCII
        contador = contador + (int)array[j].charAt(i);
answered by 20.12.2018 / 04:20