I want the user to enter a value through an Alert. If you block pop-ups for the script. Is there any way to skip the data entry line if the user blocks pop-ups?
I want the user to enter a value through an Alert. If you block pop-ups for the script. Is there any way to skip the data entry line if the user blocks pop-ups?
You could detect if the window can not be opened
Test For Popup Blocker Using JavaScript
evaluating the variable that will have the instance of the window.
var popUp = window.open('url', '', 'options');
if (popUp == null || typeof(popUp)=='undefined') {
alert('Se bloqueo el popup');
You do not actually skip the line, you execute it and you evaluate whether the window could be opened or not.
A recommendation, because you do not use popup implemented in jquery
With this you will no longer have a window blocking problem because you run inside it.