I respond to each point:
but I do not understand why they do repetitions in indices ++ and the for, no
It would be enough with the for.
The first loop while
stores each element entered in the matrix vec
in the position maintained by the variable indice
Actually, both the for
and the matrix vec
are unnecessary. With only the while
loop, you could solve the problem by storing the sum and the number of elements in variables:
var suma = 0, valor = 0, numero = 0;
do {
valor = parseInt(prompt('Ingrese un valor entero (0, ENTER o cualquier otro valor para finalizar)', ''));
if (isNaN(valor) || valor == 0) {
suma += valor;
} while (true);
document.write('<p>Se introdujeron ' + numero + ' valores</p>');
document.write('<p>La suma de los valores ingresados es: ' + suma + '</p>');
and my second question is if for example I need to make an array that already
have 5 values in which values are entered into the matrix and
I've always seen that they compare with array.length, so if now what
compared to the length of the array would be infinite, assuming that the
Comparison variable can not be other than 0, then it will be
always smaller, what should I do?
Do not get confused. array.length
does not really return the number of elements that currently exist defined in the matrix (different from undefined
), if not the number of elements that would be if all the numerical indexes were used up to the largest one actually used.
You could also have used the variable indice
if you feel more comfortable with it and taking into account that it keeps track of the elements you have entered in the matrix.
Another way would have been to use a loop for in
or for each in
even if it is not an object . Only the defined elements would be selected, without having to traverse them from 0 or going through indices undefined
Nothing happens if there are previous elements in the matrix, but the initial value of the index should start with the next element and not with 0:
var vec = [2, 5, 7, 9, 12];
var valor;
var indice = vec.length;
do {
valor = prompt('Ingrese un valor entero (0 para finalizar)','');
valor = parseInt(valor);
if (!isNaN(valor) && valor != 0)
vec[indice++] = valor;
} while (valor != 0);
var f;
var suma=0;
for(f=0; f<vec.length; f++)
suma += vec[f];
document.write('Se ingresaron '+vec.length+' valores<br>');
document.write('La suma de los valores ingresados es:'+suma);
Obviously if you use Array.push()
you will not need to know the size previous. I would do it (without encapsulating it in an object) thus using Array.forEach
var vec = [2, 5, 7, 9, 12];
var valor;
do {
valor = parseInt(prompt('Ingrese un valor entero (0 para finalizar)', ''));
if (!isNaN(valor) && valor != 0) {
} while (valor != 0);
var suma = 0;
vec.forEach(function (numero) {
suma += numero;
document.write('<p>Se introdujeron ' + vec.length + ' valores</p>');
document.write('<p>La suma de los valores ingresados es: ' + suma);
A new example for what you propose with indexes out of order:
var vec = [2, 5];
document.write('<p>1.- Aquí la longitud es: ' + vec.length + '</p>');
vec[8] = 1;
document.write('<p>2.- Aquí la longitud es: ' + vec.length + '</p>');
vec[6] = 3;
document.write('<p>3.- Aquí la longitud es: ' + vec.length + '</p>');
var valor;
do {
valor = parseInt(prompt('Ingrese un valor entero (0 para finalizar)', ''));
if (!isNaN(valor) && valor != 0) {
} while (valor != 0);
var suma = 0, num = 0;
vec.forEach(function (numero, indice) {
suma += numero;
document.write('1.- Elemento ' + indice + ' = ' + numero + '</p>');
document.write('<p>Se introdujeron ' + vec.length + ' valores</p>');
document.write('<p>1.- Se introdujeron REALMENTE ' + num + ' valores</p>');
document.write('<p>1.- La suma de los valores ingresados es: ' + suma + '</p>');
suma = 0; num = 0;
for (var indice in vec) {
suma += vec[indice];
num ++;
document.write('2.- Elemento ' + indice + ' = ' + vec[indice] + '</p>');
document.write('<p>1.- Se introdujeron REALMENTE ' + num + ' valores</p>');
document.write('<p>2.- La suma de los valores ingresados es: ' + suma + '</p>');
As you can see, in practice a for .. in
loop offers results similar to the iteration of Array.forEach