How to create a TXT from batch without lines or spaces inside 100% Virgin


I tried to do this: echo. > file.txt

the problem that when I open it with notepad ++ it tells me that it weighs 1 Bite, there is a space and an additional line to the first one inside the file.txt, what I need is that it is 0 Bites and 100% Virgin can not be of more than 0 Bites or have no character be space lines, ETC. I thank you in advance. Thank you.

asked by Juan Carlos Villamizar Alvarez 26.12.2016 в 02:58

2 answers


try the following touch command, its parameters are as follows:


-a and -m

These two options update the access and modification time respectively.

its use:

touch -a "archivoNuevo"


Touch will not do anything if the specified file does not exist

its use:

touch -c "archivoNuevo"

There are several more parameters

now to solve your problem it would be like this:

touch "nueva carpeta"
answered by 26.12.2016 / 03:08

Good morning, Do you mean to create a file from the Windows command console? Then the command is:

C:\Users\%USER%\Desktop>fsutil file createnew file.txt 0
El archivo C:\Users\%USER%\Desktop\file.txt está creado

 El volumen de la unidad C no tiene etiqueta.

 Directorio de C:\Users\%USER%\Desktop

26/12/2016  18:12              .
26/12/2016  18:12              ..
26/12/2016  18:12                 0 file.txt
               1 archivos              0 bytes
               2 dirs bytes libres
answered by 26.12.2016 в 18:13