I'm wanting to use custom events for Javascript
, and the truth is that I try to find something but either I can not find the indicated information or I do not understand it, so it occurred to me to do my eventManager
, quite truthful but it is what you can do at the moment to stop braking, the only problem I have is that I do not know how to execute my handler inside the object EventManager
Here I leave the code to see if someone can help me.
My problem is in this line, it's clearly wrong but I do not know how to do it
this._events[i].handler (this._events[i].args)
var EventCustom=function() {
var EventManager=function(siteController) {
// es un array de objetos de tipo EventCustom
this._events = [];
EventManager.prototype.addEventListener = function (evnt, handler,args)
var tmpEvent = new EventCustom();
tmpEvent.eventName = evnt;
tmpEvent.handler = handler;
tmpEvent.args = args;
EventManager.prototype.dispatchEvent = function (evnt, args)
for(var i=0; i< this._events.length; i++)
if(this._events[i].eventName == evnt)
**// aca deberia ejecutar el handler pero no me funciona
//this._events[i].handler (this._events[i].args)//**
var pruebaFn = function()
var eventManager = new EventManager(this);
If you also want to recommend a better way to do it, great. The truth is that I am setting up an entire system in Javascript
and I want to pass certain calls to events since it is much more ordered.