The problem that I have now, is that in my game I want to make a points counter that is shown in a text on the screen, but when doing the script, I get the error:
(Type UnityEngine.UI.Text does not contain a definition for Text ' and no extension method Text 'of type UnityEngine.UI.Text' could be found Are you missing an assembly reference?)
But when I include a using UnityEngine.UI.Text
, I get this other error:
(A use directive can only be applied to namespaces but UnityEngine.UI.Text 'denotes a type. Consider using a 'using static' instead).
If you can help me, I would really appreciate it.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
public enum GameState{Idle, Playing, Ended, Ready};//estados del juego
public class GameController : MonoBehaviour {
[Range (0f, 0.20f)]//rango de velocidad dentro de unity
public float parallaxSpeed = 0.02f;//velocidad inicial
public float scaleTime = 6f;//cada sierta cantidad de tiempo dado
public float scaleInc = .25f;//incrementar
public RawImage fondo;
public RawImage plataforma;
public Text pointText;
public GameObject uiIdel;
public GameState gameState = GameState.Idle;//estado por defecto, parado
public GameObject player;
public GameObject enemyGenerator;
private AudioSource musicPlayer;
private int points = 0;
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
musicPlayer = GetComponent<AudioSource>();
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
bool userAction = Input.GetKeyDown("up") || Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0);
//empieza el juego
if (gameState == GameState.Idle && userAction){//teclado arriba o mouse izquierdo respectivamente
gameState = GameState.Playing;//pasar de estado "Idle" a "Playing"
player.SendMessage("UpdateState", "PlayerRun");
InvokeRepeating("GameTimeScale", scaleTime, scaleTime);//cada 6 seg llama al scaletime, y luego se repetira cada 6 seg
//juego en marcha
else if(gameState == GameState.Playing){
//juego preparado para reiniciarce
else if(gameState == GameState.Ready){
if (userAction){
void Parallax(){
float finalSpeed = parallaxSpeed * Time.deltaTime;//Adapta velocidad segun el ordenador
fondo.uvRect = new Rect(fondo.uvRect.x + finalSpeed, 0f, 1f, 1f);//velocidad del fondo
plataforma.uvRect = new Rect(plataforma.uvRect.x + finalSpeed * 4, 0f, 1f, 1f);//velocidad de la plataforma
public void RestartGame(){
void GameTimeScale(){
Time.timeScale += scaleInc;//incrementa la velocidad dependiendo del tiempo dado anteriormente
Debug.Log("Ritmo Incrementado: " + Time.timeScale.ToString());
public void ResetTimeScale(){
Time.timeScale = 1f;
Debug.Log("Ritmo Incrementado: " + Time.timeScale.ToString());
public void IncreasePoints(){
pointText.Text = (++points).ToString();