I have a select query to show me the exams that a student has done in a table. There are two fields in that table that I modify dynamically with select in javascript but I have another boolean field that I would like to make when clicking change from 0 (you have not done the exam) to 1 (you have done the exam). The code that I have is the following:
<td><div class="select1" id="type-<?php echo $id_appl ?>"><?php echo $row['type']?></div></td>
<td> <?php echo $examen ?>
// este es el campo que me gustaria cambiar al hacer click de 0 a 1 o viceversa// </td>
$(document).ready(function() {
// ambos procesaran en save.php
// servira para editar los de tipo input text.
// servira para editar el cuadro combinado de paises
$('.select1').editable('colleges_save.php', {
data : " {'EAC':'EAC','ED1':'ED1','ED2':'ED2', 'REG':'REG', 'ROL':'ROL'}",
type : 'select',
submit : 'Ok'
$('.select2').editable('colleges_save.php', {
data : " {'Pending':'Pending','Accepted':'Accepted','Denied':'Denied', 'Waitlist':'Waitlist'}",
type : 'select',
submit : 'Ok'
// servira para editar el textarea.
$('.textarea').editable('colleges_save.php', {
type : 'textarea',
submit : 'Ok'
$data = explode("-",$_POST['id']);
$campo = $data[0]; // nombre del campo
$id = $data[1]; // id del registro
$value = $_POST['value']; // valor por el cual reemplazar
// sql para actualizar el registro
$query = mysql_query("UPDATE applications SET ".$campo." = '".$value."'
WHERE id_application = '".$id."'" );
echo ($campo == 'id_pais') ? $paises[$value] : $value;