How to work on an external file with Jquery in Visual Studio Code?


Good! I am studying Web Programming and I have been using the editor vs code for a long time.
When I want to use Jquery in an external file the auto-completion does not appear, there is no syntax help.
Can someone help me?

asked by Ale 23.01.2018 в 17:23

2 answers


If you vscode , recognize that the file you are working with is HTML , it will show you in the lower right corner, when you want to add any external script , you type script Tab and it will be completed <script></script> , then you just have to tell the path of the file on the label:

<script src="/ruta/de/fichero/jquery.js"></script>

The completed car is done by the vscode using the Tab or Ctrl-Space key, and it does so depending on the type of file that detects, the languages that you have installed or exemptions

Tab will complete sentences for example: .mio & p; p # casa which will create a div with class mio and within a label p with id home.

<div class="mio">
    <p id="casa"></p>

Ctrl-space will give you suggestions of sentences that you can use at that moment, for example if you type console. it will show you as a suggestion log

answered by 23.01.2018 в 17:37

Just add these Snippets, do not forget to reload the editor.

answered by 23.01.2018 в 17:46