CSS I have a button that has a pretty long text:
When the screen changes size (becomes smaller), it hides part of the text:
The idea is to adjust the width and deploy in several lines (the ones you need) without hiding anything from the text, I do not know if I explain myself well. I have tried several CSS properties without success, I would appreciate a little help. Thanks
I tried the CSS property:
- word-wrap: normal | break-word | initial | inherit;
- display: inline | block | flex | inline-block | inline-flex | initial | inherit
- overflow-x: visible | hidden | scroll | auto | initial | inherit
The text is inserted by jquery:
var texto = l.BTN_TEC;
texto += "<br /><h6 style='color: red; margin: 0;'> " + l.TEXT_BTN_TEC + "</h6>";