When checking if the following values exist for the "propertyName" attribute, I want it to show it to me if it does not exist . But the problem is that I get repeated values , as many times as objErrList.length there is. If it finds value, it does not repeat itself, but if it does not find it, it repeats the whole list, how can I solve it?
You can run the code to see what happens
var errorList = '[{"propertyName":"nombre","error":"wrong"},{"propertyName":"direccion","error":"wrong"},{"propertyName":"email","error":"right"}]';
var objErrList = JSON.parse(errorList);
for(var j = 0; j < objErrList.length; j++) {
if (objErrList[j].propertyName === "email") {
console.log("existe email");
if (objErrList[j].propertyName === "nombre") {
console.log("existe nombre");
if (objErrList[j].propertyName === "ciudad") {
console.log("existe ciudad");
} else {
console.log("no existe ciudad");
if (objErrList[j].propertyName === "dni") {
console.log("existe dni");
} else {
console.log("no existe dni");
if (objErrList[j].propertyName === "pais") {
console.log("existe pais");
} else {
console.log("no existe pais");
if (objErrList[j].propertyName === "provincia") {
console.log("existe provincia");
} else {
console.log("no existe provincia");