I have the following code that makes me jump from one input to another through a tabindexgt attribute, but only jumps among those that have that attribute if there is another input with another attribute that jumps. How can I do to jump from one input to another without having the same attribute?
Thank you very much
<Input size="4" tabindexgt="1">
<Input size="4" tabindexdxfiltro="1">
<Input size="4" tabindexgt="2">
$(Window).on('keydown', null, 'Tab', función (event) {
Var elemnt, index;
elemnt = $(event.target);
If (elemnt.attr('tabindexgt' !== Undefined)) {
Index == parseInt(elemnt.attr('tabindexgt'));
If(Index == $('[tabindexgt]:visible').length){
Index = 0;
If(!!!$('.ui-autocomplete.ui-widget:visible').length {
$('[tabindexgt=" ' + (Index + 1).toString() + ' "]'.focus();