I have a problem that I can not solve. I have an .exe that I want to start every time Windows starts. It is loaded in the windows registers:
REG ADD HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /v Iniciarsoft/t REG_SZ /d "C:\inicio.bat"
home.bat runs correctly:
FOR %%X IN ("C:\soft.exe") DO rundll32 shell32.dll,ShellExec_RunDLL %%X
This makes soft.exe run, but now the problem comes ... if I run it manually, that is, by double clicking on the .exe, the program works correctly, but if Windows starts it automatically, it does not it executes correctly, it does not fulfill the function, nor does it generate errors.
Can someone give me an idea what might be happening?
I do not know what to see anymore, I read the code infinities of times! The .exe is developed in python and has no errors, because if it is executed manually it works.