I have a template .jade
extends layoutIn
block content
input(type="text", id="captureInput", style="width:100%")
pre(id="resultado", style="overflow-y: scroll; height:150px")
and the javascript is:
var texto = document.getElementById('captureInput'),
resultado = document.getElementById('resultado'),
teclas = {}; //acá guardamos tiempo de inicio y fin de cada tecla
texto.addEventListener('keydown', function(keyboardEvent) {
const timestamp = performance.now(),
keyName = keyboardEvent.key;
if (!teclas[keyName]) { //Sólo si no se está manteniendo presionado
teclas[keyName] = {down: timestamp};
shows the first alert, but the second never.
NOTE: The same code with jquery works 100% with the following code jquery works
$(function () {
var captureInput = $('#captureInput');
$(captureInput).keydown(function(event){ //inicio de presion
var timeDown = (new Date()).getTime();
var keyName=event.keyCode;
if (!teclas[keyName]) { //Sólo si no se está manteniendo presionado
teclas[keyName] = {down: timeDown};