After viewing the source code, you have two flicker problems:
The first is that you order the picture box painted white:
ApiConexion._hub.On("ciclo", (p) =>
Even if you have used double buffer in the picturebox, if you order it to be painted white it will be painted white. That is the main flicker.
I have made two changes: The first is to create a custom control that is a double-buffer picturebox. Do not change the property by reflection, this is a bad practice. The correct solution is to use, instead of a picturebox, an instance of the following class:
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace Snake.Juego.Controles
public class DoubleBufferedPictureBox : PictureBox
public DoubleBufferedPictureBox() {
this.DoubleBuffered = true;
this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint |
ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint |
ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw |
ControlStyles.ContainerControl |
ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer |
ControlStyles.SupportsTransparentBackColor, true);
I have added this class to a "Controls" folder.
Remember to compile the solution or the toolbox will not detect it.
Next, let's use the double buffer properly.
For this I have to give my picture box final images. If you create a Graphics of the image and order a Clear, the result of that operation is drawn.
So the next thing is to create a new bitmap, create graphics for that bitmap and paint in the bitmap. When we have finished, we replace the image of the picture box with the bitmap:
ApiConexion._hub.On("ciclo", (p) =>
Bitmap newImg = new Bitmap(_canvas.Width, _canvas.Height);
Graphics gNewImg = Graphics.FromImage(newImg);
gNewImg.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
gNewImg.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;
gNewImg.PixelOffsetMode = PixelOffsetMode.HighQuality;
if (disparos.Count()>0)
for (int a=0;a<disparos.Count();a++)
if (armasL.Count() > 0)
for (int d = 0; d < armasL.Count(); d++)
draw.getXY(armasL[d].x, armasL[d].y);
draw.FromImageArma(gNewImg,armasL[d].x, armasL[d].y); //Imprime el sprite
for (int it = 0; it < jugadores.Count(); it++)
if (armasL.Count() > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < armasL.Count(); i++)
if (jugadores[it].interseccion(armasL[i]))
if (jugadores[it].idCola == ApiConexion.connection.ConnectionId)
ParteCola temp = new ParteCola(jugadores[it].x, jugadores[it].y, jugadores[it].color, jugadores[it].idCola);
lock (jugadores[it])
jugadores[it].dibujar(gNewImg, jugadores[it].color);
foreach (var act in jugadores)
if (act.partes.Find(x => x.PositionX == temp.PositionX) != null && act.partes.Find(x => x.PositionY == temp.PositionY) != null && act.idCola != jugadores[it].idCola /*&& filtrar que entre el jug que yo estoy manejando*/ )
ApiConexion._hub.Invoke("pararMov", jugadores[it]);
if (act.x == jugadores[it].x && act.y == jugadores[it].y && act.idCola != jugadores[it].idCola)
ApiConexion._hub.Invoke("pararMov", jugadores[it]);
ApiConexion._hub.Invoke("pararMov", act);
for (int i = 0; i < comidas.Count(); i++)
draw.getXY(comidas[i].x, comidas[i].y);
draw.FromImageManzana(gNewImg, comidas[i].x, comidas[i].y); //Imprime el sprite
if (jugadores[it].interseccion(comidas[i]))
if (jugadores[it].partes.Count() > 0)
jugadores[it].meter(jugadores[it].partes.Last().PositionX, jugadores[it].partes.Last().PositionY);
jugadores[it].meter(jugadores[it].x, jugadores[it].y);
comidas[i].colocarComidaUno(comidas[i].x, comidas[i].y);
_canvas.Image = newImg;
This fixes a good part of the flicker. Occasionally I see a flicker when getting food, but I suspect it has nothing to do with the picturebox.
I will pass the source code as soon as I can