An inventory system is being developed, where after registration they appear in a table. In the registration form you must specify quantity
, reorder_level
(cantidad minimima)
, 'target_Stock (maximum amount). By certain processes the amount can increase or decrease.
The user can unsubscribe or register any article when he wishes.
What I need you to do is that depending on the current amount, change status, that is
0 = the article is inactive, draw a gray dot.
1 = the article is active, in quantity it is stable, draw green dot.
2 = the article is about to end, draw yellow dot.
3 = the article is below its minimum, draw red dot.
By means of an api, I am making the changes.
else if(isset($_POST['id']) && isset($_POST['x']))
$connection = new MySqlServerConnection();
$query1 = 'SELECT quantity-2, reorder_Level FROM inventory_list WHERE id= ?';
$result1 = $connection->executeQuery($query1,array($_POST['id']));
echo $result1[0][0];
echo $result1[0][1];
if (intval($result1[0][0]) == intval($result1[0][1]))
$query = 'UPDATE inventory_list SET status = 2 WHERE id = ?';
$result = $connection->executeNonQueryWithReturn($query,array($_POST['id']));
$query = 'UPDATE Supplies SET status = 1 WHERE id = ?';
$result = $connection->executeNonQueryWithReturn($query,array($_POST['id']));
if ($result == 1)
echo json_encode(array(
'status' => '0',
'errorMessage' => 'articulo cambio status'
echo json_encode(array(
'status' => '2',
'errorMessage' => 'articulo no cambio status'
else if(isset($_POST['id']))
$connection = new MySqlServerConnection();
$query1 = 'SELECT quantity, reorder_Level FROM inventory_list WHERE id = ?';
$result1 = $connection->executeQuery($query1,array($_POST['id']));
if (intval($result1[0][0]) <= intval($result1[0][1]))
$query = 'UPDATE inventory_list SET status = 3 WHERE id = ?';
$result = $connection >executeNonQuery($query,array($_POST['id']));
$query = 'UPDATE inventory_list SET status = 0 WHERE id = ?';
$result = $connection->executeNonQuery($query,array($_POST['id']));
if ($result == 0)
echo json_encode(array(
'status' => '0',
'errorMessage' => 'articulo cambio status'
echo json_encode(array(
'status' => '2',
'errorMessage' => 'articulo no cambio status'
The querys
I'm always comparing quantity
, and reorder_level
(minimum amount), in the first I'm trying to subtract 2
from my current amount.
Example if I have 2
as reorder_level
, and in my current amount I have 4
, but subtracting 2
from the beginning this gives a result of 2
, it means that these are the same as the condition what says and I have 2 difference and is about to end, so change to status
and draw in yellow point.
If not, it means that your quantity
is stable, so draw the green dot.
The following query is saying that if my quantity
is less than or equal to reorder_level
, it means that it is below your minimum, so you should change to status
and draw the point red.
If this is not the case, then it was written off on its own, so it is status
and draw the gray dot.
This is the js
code that I use to put the colored points in the status
fa fa-circle text-navy - green dot.
fa fa-circle text-warning-yellow point.
fa fa-circle text-danger - red dot.
fa fa-circle dot - gray dot.
if (articulos[i].status == 1) {
//si es activo se dibuja el circulo verde en la tabla
var status=document.createElement('i');
status.setAttribute("class", "fa fa-circle text-navy");
status.setAttribute("data-toggle", "tooltip");
status.setAttribute("data-placement", "top");
status.setAttribute("data-html", "true");
status.setAttribute("title", "Item activo.");
else if (articulos[i].status == 2)
//si es activo se dibuja el circulo amarillo en la tabla
var status = document.createElement('i');
status.setAttribute("class", "fa fa-circle text-warning");
status.setAttribute("data-toggle", "tooltip");
status.setAttribute("data-placement", "top");
status.setAttribute("data-html", "true");
status.setAttribute("title", "Ya es por terminarse.");
else if (articulos[i].status == 3)
//si es activo se dibuja el circulo rojo en la tabla
var status = document.createElement('i');
status.setAttribute("class", "fa fa-circle text-danger");
status.setAttribute("data-toggle", "tooltip");
status.setAttribute("data-placement", "top");
status.setAttribute("data-html", "true");
status.setAttribute("title", "cantidad en 0.");
//si es activo se dibuja el circulo gris en la tabla
var status = document.createElement('i');
//dibuja el circulo rojo de inactivo
status.setAttribute("class", "fa fa-circle dot");
status.setAttribute("data-toggle", "tooltip");
status.setAttribute("data-placement", "top");
status.setAttribute("data-html", "true");
status.setAttribute("title", "Item inactivo.");
var CellAcciones = document.createElement('td'); = "center";
var edit = document.createElement('button');
var editImg = document.createElement('img');
/*Crea toda la celda de editar*/
var editImg = document.createElement('i');
editImg.setAttribute("class", "fa fa-pencil");"#000000";
edit.className = 'btn btn-w-m btn-warning'; = '0px';
edit.setAttribute("onclick", "editModal('" + articulos[i].cat_name +"', '" +
articulos[i].idSub +"','" +
articulos[i].numFile +"', '" + articulos[i].description_item +"', '" +
articulos[i].price_item +"', '" + articulos[i].manufacturer +"', '"+
articulos[i].model_item +"', '" + articulos[i].reorder_Level +"','" +
articulos[i].target_Stock +"','" + articulos[i].image +"','" +
articulos[i].commentt +"','" + articulos[i].registerDate +"', '"+
articulos[i].id_category +"','" + articulos[i].id_supplier +"','" +
articulos[i].id_unit +"','" + articulos[i].id_location +"','" + articulos[i].id_engineer +"','" + articulos[i].idSub +"',)");
edit.setAttribute("data-toggle", "tooltip");
edit.setAttribute("data-placement", "top");
edit.setAttribute("data-html", "true");
edit.setAttribute("title", "Click para editar informacion de alta de este item.");
//Da de alta
if (articulos[i].status == 1) {
var remove = document.createElement('button');
var removeImg = document.createElement('i');
removeImg.setAttribute("class", "fa fa-arrow-up");"#000000";
remove.className = "btn btn-w-m btn-primary"; = '0px';"20px";
remove.setAttribute("onclick", "changeStatusx2('" +
articulos[i].numFile + "', '" + articulos[i].description_item +"')");
//muestra el mensaje por arriba dle boton
remove.setAttribute("data-toggle", "tooltip");
remove.setAttribute("data-placement", "top");
remove.setAttribute("data-html", "true");
remove.setAttribute("title", "Este item se encuentra activo, click para cambiar estado");
/*dar de baja*/
var remove = document.createElement('button');
var removeImg = document.createElement('i');
removeImg.setAttribute("class", "fa fa-arrow-down");"#000000";
remove.className = "btn btn-w-m btn-dot"; = '0px';"20px";
remove.setAttribute("onclick", "changeStatus('" +
articulos[i].numFile + "', '" + articulos[i].description_item +"')");
//muestra el mensaje por arriba dle boton
remove.setAttribute("data-toggle", "tooltip");
remove.setAttribute("data-placement", "top");
remove.setAttribute("data-html", "true");
remove.setAttribute("title", "Este item se encuentra inactivo, click para cambiar estado");
Depending on what the api gets, it will change the status and color of the point in the table, but as I said the user can unsubscribe or add an item when he wants, so, I repeat the condition of status == 1
, but with the others should be changing, if active.
The problem I have is that the colors red and yellow are stirred, not indicated when they should be, for the other green and gray there is no problem this executes successfully.
My api was done that way, I do not know if it's correct, what I'm doing, but I'm sure that in the js
where the points are drawn, it's wrong, but I do not know how to make them match when they should do it.
Someone who can tell me how to do it?