I have this timer and I must pass the result of the time to an input and in this code of the chronometer when I start it appears 18 at the beginning as an arrangement that example 18: 00: 00: 555
<script language="JavaScript">
var startTime = 0
var start = 0
var end = 0
var diff = 0
var timerID = 0
function chrono(){
end = new Date()
diff = end - start
diff = new Date(diff)
var msec = diff.getMilliseconds()
var sec = diff.getSeconds()
var min = diff.getMinutes()
var hr = diff.getHours()-1
if (min < 10){
min = "0" + min
if (sec < 10){
sec = "0" + sec
if(msec < 10){
msec = "00" +msec
else if(msec < 100){
msec = "0" +msec
document.getElementById("chronotime").innerHTML = hr + ":" + min + ":" + sec + ":" + msec
timerID = setTimeout("chrono()", 10)
function chronoStart(){
document.chronoForm.startstop.value = "stop!"
document.chronoForm.startstop.onclick = chronoStop
document.chronoForm.reset.onclick = chronoReset
start = new Date()
function chronoContinue(){
document.chronoForm.startstop.value = "stop!"
document.chronoForm.startstop.onclick = chronoStop
document.chronoForm.reset.onclick = chronoReset
start = new Date()-diff
start = new Date(start)
function chronoReset(){
document.getElementById("chronotime").innerHTML = "0:00:00:000"
start = new Date()
function chronoStopReset(){
document.getElementById("chronotime").innerHTML = "0:00:00:000"
document.chronoForm.startstop.onclick = chronoStart
function chronoStop(){
document.chronoForm.startstop.value = "start!"
document.chronoForm.startstop.onclick = chronoContinue
document.chronoForm.reset.onclick = chronoStopReset
<span id="chronotime">0:00:00:00</span>
<form name="chronoForm">
<input type="button" name="startstop" value="start!" onClick="chronoStart()" />
<input type="button" name="reset" value="reset!" onClick="chronoReset()" />
The input
<input name="reported_time" type="number" step="0.01" min="0.01" required >