This script does not work properly. I can not get the times that exist in Qui of a few (nn1), two (nn2) and three (nn3) correctly. In that string Qui, there are 7 ones (1), with which nn1 should be 7. There are 2 deuces, nn2 should be 2 and there are 5 treses. whereby nn3 should be 5.
On the other hand, when I run javascript, nn1, nn2 and nn3 go from 1 to 14, and Quic, although it should be each of the Qui characters, in the program it seems that it only has the value of 3.
n=0, nn1=0, nn2=0, nn3=0, s=0, w=0;
Qui = "13231132311113";
for (w=0;w<14;w++){
Quic = Qui.substr(w,1);
if (Quic = 1){ nn1=nn1+1;}
if (Quic = 2){ nn2=nn2+1;}
if (Quic = 3){ nn3=nn3+1;}
document.write(n + " " + nn1 + " " + nn2 + " " + nn3 + " " + Qui + "   " + Quic + "<br>");