Well the question here is that I'm working on a razor file and I'm wanting to create a json from an array in vb.net
as follows:
For Each ItineraryPnr In ItinerariesNode.ChildNodes
arrayPnrRetrieve(contPnr) = New With {Key .trasactionId = ItineraryPnr.SelectSingleNode("TransactionId").InnerText, .isSucces = False, .provider = ItineraryPnr.SelectSingleNode("Provider").InnerText, .pnr = ItineraryPnr.SelectSingleNode("PNR").InnerText, .errors = Nothing}
contPnr = contPnr + 1
Dim serializerPnrModel As New JavaScriptSerializer()
Dim jsonPnrRQ As String = serializerPnrModel.Serialize(arrayPnrRetrieve)
The above generates something like the following and I assign it to variable jsonPnrRQ
Then when wanting to assign it to a variable javascript
in the following way:
var metadata = {};
metadata.jsonEx = {};
metadata.jsonEx.pnrRetrieve = @jsonPnrRQ;
metadata.jsonEx.sequenceNumber = "3";
It leaves me cycled the page and it sends me a syntax error, being that the variable jsonPnrRQ
when debugging it is in a correct format.
The error is as follows:
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token &
The question would be if someone has happened to him and he has some solution for this?
When printing my object
shows it to me in the following way
metadata.jsonEx = {};
metadata.jsonEx.pnrRetrieve = [{"trasactionId":"c592360b-3d29-4689-9683-8b53b4880099","isSucces":false,"provider":"4O","pnr":"DBZD2N","errors":null}];
metadata.jsonEx.sequenceNumber = "3";
And I think that may be the problem, so, the other question would be, does anyone have any idea why they assign it to me and how can I solve it? being that the variable jsonPnrRQ
has its value well (this is because aldebugearlo comes out with the correct format).