BATCH - Copy N files from a Windows directory


I am doing a process to copy different files from different folders, with the particularity that I need to pass, for example, 30 files of a directory (which contains more than 100). The 30 that I must pass, no matter what they are, should be 30.

I did something similar to this, here I use it to show the names just:

set contador=0

FOR /R d:\Users\usuario\Desktop\ %%A IN (*) DO (
    IF %contador% LSS 3 (
    echo %%A
    echo %contador%        
    SET /a contador=contador+1
    )ELSE (

What happened was that inside the FOR, the counter was always "0". If I printed it outside of the FOR, it would have the correct number. So I realized that the FOR criteria for each file inside the directory (the *) does not work for me.

How do I limit it? so that it travels only 30 files and not all those that are inside the folder?

Thanks and regards!

asked by Nico.C 13.04.2018 в 21:35

1 answer


I recommend using PowerShell , not only because it is simpler and easier, but for all the other things that it will provide when you start using it (syntax, objects, modules, etxc) .

For what you comment could be resolved as follows:

$cantidadArchivos = 3
$carpetaOrigen = 'C:\Users\vmsilvamolina\Desktop\Origen\'
$carpetaDestino = 'C:\Users\vmsilvamolina\Desktop\Destino\'
#Copia de los archivos
for ($i=0; $i -lt $cantidadArchivos; $i++) {
    Write-host "Copiando:" (Get-ChildItem $carpetaOrigen)[$i].FullName 
    Copy-Item (Get-ChildItem $carpetaOrigen)[$i].FullName -Destination $carpetaDestino

There you can define in the first three variables what you need (number of files to copy, source and destination) and that's it!


In batch, it is done in the following way:

@echo off

    setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion

    rem Defino las variables
    set "origen=C:\Users\vmsilvamolina\Desktop\Origen"
    set "destino=C:\Users\vmsilvamolina\Desktop\Destino"
    set num=3

    rem Bloque de ejecución
    for /F "tokens=1,2 delims=:" %%f in ('dir /b /a "%origen%\*"  ^| findstr /n "^" ') do (
        if %%f leq %num% (
            echo Copiando: "%origen%\%%g"
            copy "%origen%\%%g" "%destino%" /y > nul 
        ) else goto fin


For more info, I recommend you read the following link: FOR / F

answered by 14.04.2018 / 17:00