I am trying to make a batch script to generate routes for some projects or folders, my code is as follows:
@echo off
title Rutas de Proyectos
echo [1] Solatino ASP.NET y Angular
echo [2] Solatino Web con Angular
set/a a=1
set/a b=2
set/p opcion=Que proyecto:
if %opcion% equ a (
goto :RutaSolnet
if %opcion% equ b (
goto :RutasolAngular
CD C:\Users\PC\documents\solatinotours\web\
CD C:\Users\PC\documents\solatinoAngular\
The thing is that it does not matter if I put in "option" the value 1 or 2, it always returns the last route, in this case it calls RutasolAngular, and so it happens if I add more routes, it never returns the route that should. Could someone help me?