Time it takes to load a table with Datatables


I was doing tests with a table with 2,000 records and datatables worked fine, now I change it with another one that has 16,000 records and after 7 seconds gives error.

In the debugger I see that the select became complete (the 16,000 records) which gives me to think that it is for the time it takes the query ...

I have several questions

Is it possible to load only the first 50 records and then load more as the client changes the pages?

Is it possible to change the timeout in datatables?

How to speed up the loading of records?

Thanks for your answers

asked by Juan Carlos 06.02.2018 в 18:04

1 answer


The LIMIT clause can be used to restrict the number of rows   returned by the SELECT statement. LIMIT takes one or two arguments   numerical, which must be constant non-negative whole.


With two arguments, the first argument specifies the displacement   of the first row to be returned, and the second specifies the number   maximum of rows to return. The displacement of the initial row is 0   (no 1):

SELECT * FROM tbl LIMIT 5,10;  # Regresa 6-15
answered by 06.02.2018 в 18:13