I have the following problem, I have been trying to find the answer for a few hours, I put it in context.
I have this code. in a theme.model.ts
interface spectrum{
shade: string;
hex: string;
contrast: string;
interface palette {
colorName: string;
values: spectrum[];
interface mono {
colorName: string;
hex: string;
const monos: mono[] = [{
colorName: 'Black',
hex: '#000000'
colorName: 'White',
hex: '#FFFFFF'
const palettes: palette[] =
colorName: 'Red',
values: [
{ shade: '50' , hex: '#FFEBEE' , contrast: '#000000' },
{ shade: '100' , hex: '#FFCDD2' , contrast: '#000000' },
{ shade: '200' , hex: '#EF9A9A' , contrast: '#000000' },
{ shade: '300' , hex: '#E57373' , contrast: '#000000' },
{ shade: '400' , hex: '#EF5350' , contrast: '#000000' },
{ shade: '500' , hex: '#F44336' , contrast: '#000000' },
{ shade: '600' , hex: '#E53935' , contrast: '#000000' },
{ shade: '700' , hex: '#D32F2F' , contrast: '#000000' },
{ shade: '800' , hex: '#C62828' , contrast: '#000000' },
{ shade: '900' , hex: '#B71C1C' , contrast: '#000000' },
{ shade: 'A100' , hex: '#FF8A80' , contrast: '#000000' },
{ shade: 'A200' , hex: '#FF5252' , contrast: '#000000' },
{ shade: 'A400' , hex: '#FF1744' , contrast: '#000000' },
{ shade: 'A700' , hex: '#D50000' , contrast: '#000000' }]
colorName: 'Pink',
values: [
{ shade: '50' , hex: '#FCE4EC' , contrast: '#000000' },
{ shade: '100' , hex: '#F8BBD0' , contrast: '#000000' },
{ shade: '200' , hex: '#F48FB1' , contrast: '#000000' },
{ shade: '300' , hex: '#F06292' , contrast: '#000000' },
{ shade: '400' , hex: '#EC407A' , contrast: '#000000' },
{ shade: '500' , hex: '#E91E63' , contrast: '#000000' },
{ shade: '600' , hex: '#D81B60' , contrast: '#000000' },
{ shade: '700' , hex: '#C2185B' , contrast: '#000000' },
{ shade: '800' , hex: '#AD1457' , contrast: '#000000' },
{ shade: '900' , hex: '#880E4F' , contrast: '#000000' },
{ shade: 'A100' , hex: '#FF80AB' , contrast: '#000000' },
{ shade: 'A200' , hex: '#FF4081' , contrast: '#000000' },
{ shade: 'A400' , hex: '#F50057' , contrast: '#000000' },
{ shade: 'A700' , hex: '#C51162' , contrast: '#000000' }]
export { palettes,spectrum, monos, palette };
My question is if I make a simple assignment in a component (Assume the import of the model is correct) like this:
private miArray: palette[] = [];
miArray = palettes;
If I modify myArray, why will also palettes be modified? I have come to think one thing and that is that since the arrays are not of primitive type this has references to the original array in this case palettes and if I modify my clear array, palettes will be modified.
In case this is true, What would be the best way to work with this array like this?
It's the only question I have. Thanks.