Greetings, I want to change the src of a label to be able to reproduce a sound depending on the image pressed.
The original code is:
function EvalSound(soundobj) {
var thissound= eval("document." soundobj);
<embed src="animales/perro.mp3" autostart=false width=0 height=0 name="sound1" enablejavascript="true">
<img src="play.gif" onClick="EvalSound('sound1')">
It works but always plays the dog.
I have modified it:
<script type="text/javascript">
function EvalSound(soundobj) {
document.getElementById("reproductor").src = soundobj;
var thissound= eval("document." soundobj);
<embed src="" autostart=false id="reproductor" width=0 height=0 name="sound1" enablejavascript="true">
<div class="" id="midiv">
<img id="leon" src="animales/leon.jpg" onClick="EvalSound('animales/leon.mp3')" alt="León" />
<img id="Halcon" src="animales/halcon.jpg" onClick="EvalSound('animales/halcon.mp3')" alt="Halcón" />
The logic is simple: I pick up the sound path when I call the function and then I change the embed src but it does not work ....
Solution ::
<script type="text/javascript">
var audio = new Audio();;
function EvalSound(soundobj) {
audio = null;
audio = new Audio(soundobj);;
<div class="" id="midiv">
<img id="leon" src="animales/leon.jpg" onClick="EvalSound('animales/leon.mp3')" alt="León" />
<img id="Halcon" src="animales/halcon.jpg" onClick="EvalSound('animales/halcon.mp3')" alt="Halcón" />