How to do Repeat events on fullCalendar [closed]


How can I repeat events in FullCalendar for example: 2018-1-1 and repeat it in 4 days 2018-1-5 and show the two events (2018-1-1 and the other event 2018-1-5) on the calendar.

asked by Arnel Cariaga Jr. 10.01.2018 в 15:27

1 answer


You have to use the dow option in the following way:

events: [{
    title:"Repeticion evento",
    start: '10:00',
    end: '14:00',        
    dow: [ 1, 4 ] // Repetir Lunes y Jueves

Here the documentation is shown, I'll leave you a JSFIDDLE :

answered by 10.01.2018 в 16:29