It's my first post here, and I'd like to ask you a question that would solve my life with a project. I am developing a web page in HTML, CSS and JS, in this, I have a kind of "Virtual Calculator". My idea was to ask the user to enter some values, and based on them, show a result. I know that is done with JavaScript, but I do not know how to do it so that it takes the values entered by the user, adds them, and returns a result. For example.
Enter number 1 = (Here the user has a text box where he puts, for example, the number 2) Enter number 2 = (idem) That there is a button that says "solve", or is done alone, is not the main point, and that the The result is = 4;
I was searching the internet, but most of them show it to you with the sign that appears above, but I would like it to be on the same page.
since thank you very much!