I'm trying to copy the contents of a cell in a table using a button with JavaScript and the library clipboard.js
Each cell has a different value and that value arrives with PHP at foreach
and is displayed with $item->resultado
. The problem is that this variable is a String that contains a json in a format similar to this:
[{"_id":"5a5c9ed7f59787032fff7bba","index":0,"guid":"8171d24e-e8ed-43d6-a115-229390f8a8d2","isActive":false,"balance":"$2,158.78","picture":"http://placehold.it/32x32","age":31,"eyeColor":"blue","name":"Dianna Gonzales","gender":"female","company":"DATACATOR","email":"[email protected]","phone":"+1 (958) 555-2659","address":"614 Conduit Boulevard, Catharine ... }]
I think my problem comes with the quotes, since it only remains copied to where it is with the first, that is, copy: [{
How can I solve this problem? I leave my code:
<script type="text/javascript">
var clipboard = new Clipboard('.btn');
clipboard.on('success', function(e) {
console.info('Accion:', e.action);
console.info('Texto:', e.text);
console.info('Trigger:', e.trigger);
clipboard.on('error', function(e) {
console.error('Accion:', e.action);
console.error('Trigger:', e.trigger);
<?php $resultado = [{"_id":"5a5c9ed7f59787032fff7bba","index":0,"guid":"8171d24e-e8ed-43d6"}];
<button class="btn" data-clipboard-text="<?php $resultado; ?>">Copiar texto</button>