I need to develop the following exercise but I do not understand it, I know how to find the perimeter from the radius or diameter, but I can not understand what it is to do in the exercise
Circumference circumference
P = 2πr
d = 0.6m
r = 0.3m
r = 30cm
P = 2π30
P = 60π
r = 18cm
P = 2π18
P = 36π
Difference (subtraction)
Diferencia = Pgrande - Pchiquita
Diferencia = 60π - 36π
Diferencia = π(60 - 36)
Difference = 24π
The difference in the length traveled in a complete turn is 24π cm
You have two circles. For one they give you the diameter and for the other the radius.
You have to consider the wheels independently of each other since otherwise the distance traveled would be the same and the difference zero.
Then the question is how much does a full turn of the front wheel travel?
And how much does a full turn of the back travel?
And what is the difference (the subtraction) of the two lengths.