Query String is too Long MVC


I am being presented with the following scenario:

I have an application in C #, I'm working with MVC, .Net Framework 4.5.2. When I want to run debug or release my program, I get the following error and message


HTTP Error 404.15 - Not Found


The request filtering module is configured to deny a request where the   query string is to long.

I get an extremely long URL



Also send me this table of information about the error:

Module:        RequestFilteringModule
Notification:  BeginRequest
Handler:       ExtensionlessUrlHandler-Integrated-4.0
Error Code:    0x00000000

The URL continues, but for reasons of not getting tedious the question I'll leave it there .

I try to delete everything that appears after link , but all the rest of the URL reappears

Now, when I proceed to publish the application and configure it in the IIS, it does appear good when I enter with the link to said page. I want to know if someone has any idea of this problem and how to solve it, since it is very tedious to have to make a change and have to test it by publishing in the IIS, instead of being able to run the page in debug mode.

asked by Randall Sandoval 13.10.2017 в 22:26

1 answer


Seeing the fragment of URL that you are showing what I think is in an infinite re-addressing cycle so that on each occasion the parameter ReturnUrl is concatenated the last URL which is flipped to concatenate to re-addressing, the IIS Express of VS is not a IIS to 100% so some functionalities could generate different behavior in one than in another. What you can do is in VS select the project and press 'F4' this will show you some properties of IIS Express , enables you to accept anonymous authentication.

answered by 14.10.2017 / 01:01