Following the advice of a contributor to this web page, I decided to include the jquery validation
pluginNow, I was following a tutorial uploaded by the developers of the plugin, where they implement a function called strongPaswword. In it they do the following:
$.validator.addMethod('strongPassword', function(value, element) {
return this.optional(element) || value.length >= 6 && /\d/.test(value) && /[a-z]/i.test(value);
}, 'La contraseña debe tener por lo menos 6 caracteres y debe contener al menos un número y un caracter')
But something is wrong because he got tired of putting strings like "abcdef1 $" etc etc etc that does not work !!! I really liked the plugin and I would like to finish implementing it, but hey, I found a barrier at this point ... Can someone give me a hand?
see the error? change the field of type password to text format so that they see that I put more than six characters and a number and the plugin does not validate me the strongPassword
FOLLOW THE ERROR, I could not solve it ...