First, I had already used the prop-types package before to validate arguments in React components, but in a project in I do not know why it is not working and I have it set as usual. Use WebPack for the bundle and the test server (webpack-dev-server)
This is my header:
const React = require('react');
const ReactDOM = require('react-dom');
const PropTypes = require('prop-types');
And here the parent component, the child and the PropTypes:
class IssueTable extends React.Component {
render() {
const borderedStyle = {border: "1px solid blue", padding: 6};
return (
<table style={{borderCollapse: "collapse"}}>
<th style={borderedStyle}>Id</th>
<th style={borderedStyle}>Title</th>
<IssueRow issue_id={1}
issue_title="Error in console" />
<IssueRow issue_id={2}
issue_title="Error in console 2" />
class IssueRow extends React.Component {
render() {
const borderedStyle = {border: "1px solid red", padding: 4};
return (
<td style={borderedStyle}>{this.props.issue_id}</td>
<td style={borderedStyle}>{this.props.issue_title}</td>
IssueRow.PropTypes = {
issue_id: PropTypes.number.isRequired,
issue_title: PropTypes.string
The weird thing is that I do not get any errors in the console and I render the table correctly, but the moment the attribute "id" passes a string instead of a number, I do not miss the warning of the PropTypes.