How can I simplify the second for , that is, I would like to improve it / optimize it, I see it as repetitive but I do not understand how to improve it:
var book =[ {
title: "The Giver",
stars: 4,
author: "Manuel G. H.",
color: color(255, 183, 0)
title: "Adventures",
stars: 5,
author: "Humberto B.B",
color: color(152, 234, 245)
title: "Rock N Roll",
stars: 2,
author: "Buitrago M.H",
color: color(0, 255, 0)
//Soporte para libros
fill(173, 117, 33);
rect(0, 120, width, 10);
for ( var books = 0 ; books < book.length ; books++){
rect(10 + books * 100, 20, 90, 100);
fill(0, 0, 0);
text(book[books].title, 23 + books * 100, 29, 70, 100);
text(book[books].author, 23 + books * 100, 69, 70, 100);
for (var i = 0; i < book[books].stars ; i++) {
var space = 100;
if(book[books].stars <= 4){
image(getImage("cute/Star"), 12 + i * 17 , 90, 20, 30);
espacio += 100;
if(book[books].stars <= 5){
image(getImage("cute/Star"), 12 + space + i * 17, 90, 20, 30);
if(book[books].stars <= 2){
image(getImage("cute/Star"), 12 + spcae + i * 17, 90, 20, 30);